vitamin timing

edited January 2011 in Health
If I forget to take my vitamin before bed and take it first thing in the morning, should it be ok to take it before bed the same day? I'm trying to keep on a schedule, I'm awful at taking meds! Any ideas?


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  • I don't think it will be a big deal to take the vitamin the same night. Either way (skipping a day or taking next dose as planned) willnot likely cause problems, but in my opinion, it would be harder to remember to stay on schedule if I skipped.
  • I keep mine next to my toothbrush so I never forget.
  • I keep my bottle on top of my microwave which is under my cabinet of glasses. When I go to bed I grab a drink and usually remember to take my vitamin...not last night :p
    phone reminder should work thanks.
    see? That's what this place is for :) lol
  • @nutrimama I feel ya. If I don't stay on schedule I'll never remember! This is why I had an IUD in for 4 yrs and not taking bc pills!!!
  • I keep mine next to my bed with water that way it is the first thing I see in the morning.
  • @katlilly, i had an IUD in as well for 7 years, aren't they the best inventions ever!?
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  • Yes! No hormones and no appts or pills to take. 3 months with it out we got preggers!
  • @mama_kat so cute! If I had gummies my daughter would make them disappear!! Lol :X
  • BTW as far as prenatals go, I take Select-OB, they're chewable and they taste like Flintstones vitamins!
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  • @Mama_Kat, I'm not entirely sure, my mother is my OB so she just gives me bags and bags full of sample-packs from her office. Ask your OB, they probably have tons to give away. The drug reps give them boatloads to give to their patients.
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  • Just buy OTC vitamins. They are just as good and much cheaper. I don't even take prenatals, I take a regular multivitamin and get the rest of those specific nutrients from food. Oh, I also take fish oil supplements for DHA and EPA. (Degree in nutrition, working on a second degree in nutrition).
  • They're similar, however, make sure you're getting enough folic acid. For both pregnancies I was put on an additional 1mg of folic acid daily (in addition to the 1mg in the prenatal). Also, make sure your vitamins have enough iron in them, both my kids have sucked the iron out of me, usually around my third trimester I have to go on additional iron supplements as well. Which is odd, because when I'm not pregnant I typically have excellent levels of iron.
  • @Mama_Kat Wat kind of tinkerbell vitamins lol I wanta try them
  • I bought otc gross vitamins from Walmart, took it for 3 months, but skipped a lot of days. Then I bought actual prenatal gummy vitamins, had folic acid and all included. It taste like candy! Big bottle was about $12.
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  • My OB told me that if you have a hard time taking other prenatal vitamins, that taking 2 Flinstone chewables are just fine.
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