Fear of gaining weight

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im 15 weeks along with my second and im terrified of gaining weight. With my first I gained 28 lbs. And ended up ganing 10 more from breastfeeding. I was able to lose all but the last ten lbs befor I found out I was pregnant again. now Im afraid of gianing the weight and not beging able to lose it. Is anyone else in this situation?


  • Kind of...this is my first and I was already 20lbs heavier than I should have been before I even got pregnant...so now I'm like ahhh I don't want to get bigger! I'm 13 weeks and I've gained about 3-4lbs so far so we'll see...
  • I'm scared of gaining too much as well. This is my first and I don't know what to expect, but according to the bmi thing, I'm already overweight and I've gained 10 pounds I think. Apparently I'm only supposed to gain like .2 pounds a week? My doctor said I'm pretty average and can gain up to 30. I'm so confused and freaked out about ending up gigantic :(
  • well im 37 weeks and have gained 60 lbs! I hope I can lose the weight for summer cause im moving to long beach, cant wear a bikini but hopefully some capris
  • I'm having my third child and am concerned about gaining weight. But so far so good. I'm almost 16 weeks and haven't gained any weight. I did lose two pounds but I'm only supposed to gain 15 total so I guess I'm doing good.
  • I was overweight, joined weight watchers, lost 48+ lbs and now I'm expected to gain weight?! Lol give me a break! Just eat healthy ladies!! And walk walk walk! :) we're gonna get through this weight gain one way or another.
  • With my first i gained 40, second 50 and 3rd i gain 60. I didnt try to gain so much. But after each i did lose it ALL. Took a little longer than i would have liked with my 3rd but it did all come off. Now im left w a ton of extra skin. I seriously need a tunny tuck. Im not a huge person and all of my babies were 9-10 pounds. I was a whale...lol. sry. But the weight will come off if u watch what u eat after baby. Good luck and dont worry. Relax.
  • oops ment *tummy tuck
  • @mommyof 3girls how did you manage to lose the weight?. I eat decent...but I love my sweets. I found out I was preggers when my daughter was 9 months old. I thought I would have more time to lose..but mother nature had other plans.
    Its nice to know Im not alone. I also know your supposed to gain. I just dont thunk its fair. I wish it truly was all water weight, eithet that or a 30lb baby ;)
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