what's something sweet your significant other has done for you lately

edited May 2012 in Just for Fun
Awhile ago I planted some flowers and recently they have been dying...well right now Anthony came and watered them and I didn't even ask...I thought it was so sweet lol :X :X :X


  • Nothing I can think of :(
  • @heyitsme i'm sorry girl
  • :) Its not that hes a crappy bf just he hasn't done anything extra special
  • @heyitsme I know girl sometimes I wish Anthony was more spontaneous but I love him for him still and wouldn't trade him for the world
  • Besides mothers day.... pft.

    Bout to make a my chores & your chores list! Lol
  • Lifted the blanket off my feet and started rubbing them :) without me asking him to or anything :X He just knows they've been swelling horribly and hurting me so he thought he'd be nice and rub them (*)
  • my hubby knows i LOVE lifetime movie network so when i got out the shower he had the covers pulled back and LMN on for me:)))
  • Nothing lately:-(
  • My fiancee took it upon himself to vacuum, clean the bathroom and the kitchen...didn't even ask:)
  • My hubby bought me zumba tonning sticks and paid for 10 classes. I simply love him.
  • My hubby surprise me with a ice cream Sunday after dinner today :X
  • I forgot to say im a preggo
  • edited May 2012
    @caroline8_p lol I need to make one of those

    @tryin4babymoore how sweet I always wanted Anthony to massage my feet when I was pregnant

    @blessedtimes2 man I would love to get out the shower with one of my shows on instead of 2k12 lol

    @trixiesmom8 firefly he has something up his sleeve

    @sehra4177 aw that was sweet

    @chelles you better go to all the classes girl lol

    @mamafn3 ooooo sounds good
  • lol @newmomma13 u have me dying laughing lol
  • My hubby and babies brought me home a bouquet of flowers today for my bday!! (I recieved a Keurig for mothers day, bday and graduation a few weeks ago so no presents today!) But the flowers were sweet!!
  • @blessedtimes2 lol for real though girl...but you know what when he was gone for like a month I missed himrI playing the game

    @lilbit01_209 what's a keurig...but how sweet they got got flowers I bet they were beautiful
  • They are. He let my 6 year old pick out the ones from her and her brother and then he bought me some from him alone. A Keurig is one of those single cup coffee/tea makers. The ones that use the little pod things...
  • awwww @newmomma13 thats sweet ikr it b like that they do things that work our nerves but when they are not around we miss those things:)
  • @lilbit01_209 how sweet... Oh ok I know what your talking about

    @blessedtimes2 yes girl!!! He always Todd me your gonna miss all this one day like when he does annoying things to me and sure enough I missed every little thing he did and wanted him to hurry up and come home
  • I'm 23 weeks pregnant and have restless leg syndrome. Sometimes it so bad I can't lay down to sleep.. so he lotions and massages my legs and feet at night when they are hurting bad. I think he does it more for himself than me, he's a foot man. LOL.
  • My husband normally stays up later than me playing his computer games, but a few nights ago he came to bed early, massaged my back for a long while then tmi* gave it to me good* I thanked him for two days! Lol sometimes men will be agrivating you nonstop and then out of no where do something nice. But they always go right back to normal......
  • My hubby is getting me the veneers I've always wanted!!!!! They are $8000 so I'd said that's pretty sweet.
  • I hope so lol
  • @1stWoodsBaby aw that's sweet my bf won't massage my feet for nothing!! so your lucky lol

    @PregnantELF well that was sweet of him Anthony did that once last week and I loved it :X

    @mommy2Ari I need a charger for mine...but it's just so much easier on your phone cause you always have your phone

    @sands3 omg that a crap load of money!!!!! you're taking about teeth right?
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