
edited May 2012 in Just for Fun
Well I survived another day! No, I didn't get anything in the divorce, I merely zapped him to holy hell and I was happy. LOL!

We shall see how many mental chock holds he gets today. Then maybe I'll dream up that super fine hubba hubba hunk!

*sigh* Lets see what today brings...


  • LOL... RMAO! What is he doing?
  • He's super moody, enough for the both of us! He gets like that when he's in pain, that's how I know when he's uncomfortable. Not to mention a super clean freak!! He feels the need to do the same cleaning routine on a daily basis. It's annoying. Believe me I'm grateful, but any little obstacle (me having to pump) that deters his mission -- watch out!! Oscar the grouch appears. I'm thinking an outing is in order. I could use some new summer shoes :D
  • A few new cute flip flips always make me feel better.. LOL

    So your honey is OCD... I've always wished for that trait.. I'm chronically IDT (I'll Do it Tomorrow)

    My honey is the total opposite from yours .. he's like oh that can wait untold Mommy gets to it. LOL
  • Ha ha ha, I'm completely IDT too! Oh it drives him absolutely bonkers. When he worked he showed up an hour early, any appt. he's there an hour early. He's classified disabled so he gets serious cabin fever.

    I have cabin fever too, so think I'll go to the mall! :D
  • So if you're both home all day I can totally see why you're ready to karate chop him. Do you have friends to hang with? I have 4 kids so I never seem to be able to get away.
  • I do! I will! I am! Lol

    I just graduated, taking a couple weeks to do nothing, them the hardcore job search begins. He thinks he has it rough now, just wait until I leave for work all day. That'll teach him.
  • @YNVTish Can you be my adviser?? Lol
  • @Mijita Congradulations :D
  • @AishaMusa,, advisor??

    Thank you!
  • I like the advice she gives, she knows how to make the best out of a bad situation. In general i mean.
  • Girl I understand...I have done the invisible choke hold on my hubby today.
  • I Did the invisible choke hold today on a client, on my sister, on the receptionist that thinks I don't know my job, and on a traffic ticket officer, and boy do I feel great.'
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