did the at home doppler make anyone else more stressed out?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I bought a doppler was able to find the fetal heartbeat once then not again leaving me super stressed! I'm going to my obgyn after work just for some reassurance. I had a mc in november and I'm so nervous!


  • That's one of the reasons I don't think I'm gonna get one. Seems like you might end up worrying either way. I hope all goes well with the OB.
  • dont worry thats how those things are, they change their position or are not good quality im sure your babys fine:)
  • The lady at babysrus told me not to use one until seven months pregnant...because id just stress myself out.
  • I just posted about mine. I got it today. I freaked out at first cause I couldn't find anything (even called the doctor). Then I relaxed and tried again with a full bladder and found it. I knew when I rented the doppler it would either stress me more or help reassure me. I'm glad I got it. I'm actually going to be sending it back. I only got it because they couldn't isn't until the end of next week. I had been really stressin. I've also suffered a m/c before.
  • ***they couldnt find a heartbeat with the doppler in the office a few weeks ago and my next appointment isnt until the end of next week
  • I'm 13 weeks I went to the doctor and they found the heartbeat 170-175 bpm!! My dr told me to put the doppler away for now, haha!
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