
  • Yes, it works. Lol.

    I can see both sides of it. That's a tough one!
  • I disagree with any disgrace! To me, they are mothers & those are pieces of fabric. Like someone else has said, LOTS of moms breast feed in their WORK uniform! Yes, they do serve the country, but being a nurturing mother comes first, uniform or not.
  • I have always believed that breasts should be covered up with something if breast feeding in public, but thats just me i hate to see strangers staring at my boobs, but i think is very brave of this women to stand up for what they believe in regarldess of what anyone says, im sure they knew what it was going to happen once the posted this pics for people to see, they are strong in what they believe in :D =D>
  • @caroline8_p the same here.
    @everyone Did you read any comments??? There are a lot of people bashing them. Saying that breastfeeding in public its the same as urinating or defecating in public.

    John Doe-2437959

    Yes peeing in public can easily be equated to breastfeeding in public. Why? The only reasoning women have for doing it is because "it's natural". Well so is sex, peeing, defecating, farting, walking around naked, masturbating, vomiting, and others. Some of which are less controllable than have a child wait and extra minute or two in order to feed.

    Women have enough exceptions in the military as it is. But of course lesser PT standards, hair and uniform regulations, and a slew of other things aren't enough....

    4 votes

    #17.9 - Wed May 30, 2012 3:28 PM EDT
  • @Janet_2011 if you read carefully the article. it was a PHOTOSHOOT to create posters for National Breastfeeding Awareness Month in August.
  • It amazes me that people have nothing better to do with their time than b**** moan and groan. I am sorry but who really cares they are moms with hungry babies. People really tick me off!! If these women can fight then they have the right to feed their babies how and when they want. Dam it's not like they are turning tricks in uniform.
  • @captivated, I believe this is one small reason why you advocate for liberty! I'm amazed at the blatant act of segregation. Equality my butt!
  • Those mothers have every right to feed their child as they please. Me personally I would be covered up because I don't want to made others feel weird although I don't but as someone else earlier said they are mothers and that's just what we do to make sure our babies aren't hungry :)
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