my fiance had a lot of white sticky thick discharge today and her period is supposed to start thurs

edited February 2011 in November 2011
My fiance had white sticky discharge today and her period is supposed to start Thursday does this mean her period isn't coming?? Is it a sign of pregnancy???


  • Could be that she is ovulating.
  • No she ovulated mid cycle like normal she has normal 28 day cycle. For symptoms she also has mood swings, tummy cramps, back aches, fatigue, acne, breast enlargment darkening and tenderness now this! Her period is supposed to start Thursday but still no symptoms of it coming
  • That's the 1st sign I had. It was thick and sticky like petroleum jelly consistency. A week later I got a positive!
  • When in your cycle did you have this?
  • I never had the first sign ( I found out at 4weeks) was period cramps and breast tenderness... I also got a positive 3 days before may be able to test now!
  • we did test this morning and it came back negative
  • Hmmm...well, I would definitely try again after you miss. Good luck!
  • Good luck to you! Lots of baby dust! Sometimes its easier to conceive when there's less stress and pressure. The tww is the worst though!
  • Thick discharge is normal between ovulation and period. If it doesn't work out this month buy a BBT, that will help you track her ovulation and things. Also download MyDays on your andriod and sign up for an account at those will really help!
  • Also she may be able to tell by her cervicle position
  • I get lots of lotiony discharge when I get pregnant
  • That was one of the signs I had a week prior to getting a positive. It was just the way you described it.
  • I had a lot of white discharge when I got pregnant both times. PS MyDays is a great app! Thats what I used to get pregnant and it worked!
  • I had tender breasts as well as the white discharge I took a test about a week before my missed period I got back a negative and the day after I missed my period early in the morning that's the best time and came out positive and the next day took another and sure enough came out positive!
  • Fertiltyfriend helped me get pg
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