Shout outs.....anyone else have any shoutouts?



  • @bettymomma I did lol thats why i was like whattttt lol

    @taytay august 16,1992 :) and you?
  • It's a little sad that these type of posts just make some women feel unappreciated or ignored. :(
  • @bettymomma i know mama ;) lol so when are we going on our date? ;) lol
  • Not trying to be rude..but you gotta show love to get love;)
    meaning I don't see you doing shout outs to anyone
    I like a lot of you ladies even though you may have not gave me a shout out..or even know me other then that.
    Sheeet.. I can't remember the spelling of everyone's screen names..I just know some of them by there real name
    Soo shout all except for you know who;)
    haha kidding to everyone :D
  • @TayTay, you were my angel in disguise today, THANK YOU!

    My LO is sicker than a dog and my PPD is getting the best of me during this very stressful time. I wish there was more I could do to comfort my baby girl!

    Needless to say, your shout-out made me smile and brought me back to reality. No more pity party for myself, lol.

    Thanks for ending my day on a positive note (pun intended)!

    >:D< :X O:)
  • @nameless I agree I dont know everyones sn but those are just my favs. I appreciate the help that everyone gives me afterall thats one of my main reasons why I gets on here.

    But just cause someone doesnt mention you in a shoutout doesnt mean that your hated.
  • @mijita aww I'm so sorry to hear that hun. What's wrong with ur lo? N I'm sure ur doing ur best on making sure ur lo gets well so don't be hard on urself....ur awesome mama! N I'm glad I was able to put a smile on ur's contagious bc reading ur comment made me smile :) Aw I feel a new pregly friendship coming on, lol. But seriously if u need anyone to tlk to about ur ppd or anything I'm here :)
  • @mommylovessparkle my bday is July 30, 1989
  • edited June 2012
    @Aishamusa yeah I havent being very active, just going through alot of problems.
  • Aww, thanks that means a lot. Sorry I didn't say anything sooner but I didn't have the time to check pregly.

    It really does mean a lot to me very often I have thought about just leaving pregly because it would feel like I'm not helping or even noticed but then I see this and it lifts my heart. Thankyou!
  • @Janet_2011 Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you!!

    @conreeaght You're welcome. Ive thought of that at times. ..
  • @Aishamusa thanks girl :X they will soon :D hubby got a new job and is going to be making way more money
  • @Janet_2011 Thats a relief..
  • @bettymomma o0o0ohh why ;) lol haha

  • aw :X

    @nylasmommy and @pregnantelf my two fave preglies!
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