Im leaving pregly



  • @starrxoxo9 :O you deleted me hehe ok I'll invite you again.

    @joshneviesmum i think i might hold off on deleting my account and possibly lurk for a while... see how i feel :-)

    @Stella ha its cool
  • Aww... Bummer. Dont leave. :(
  • @mommyof3girls im gonna lurk for a while i think :/
  • Well, dont leave for good. ;)
  • Yea keep,the account just lurk :)
  • I think one thing to keep in mind is that this is a closed forum. If it were open, there would not be that intimate bond that some share. I think many are fortunate in that regard.

    I hate to see you go, but I would also hate for you to leave thinking you are not liked. It's easy as a woman to feel left out and unwanted. Hell, I'm barely noticed! I however, love the atmosphere, the camaraderie and I actually get some relief in knowing that my child is doing things other children are as well as my parenting choices.

    Have a great day!
  • I remember you from the old days!!!! I too pop on here when I have nothing gong on, its not the same but a good read... I stay just in case I have a question I hope you continue to lurk like me LOL!!!
  • I know what you mean. I've been here since early 2011 and still don't really know anyone! I have a 8 month old and 23 weeks (tom) pregnant so I mainly just read posts in my spare time! There are times where I'm tempted to leave but my take a break and keep ending up back! Probably should post more if I ever want to build connections I guess.
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  • @Mama_Kat lol I know right.
  • @lyndsay1983 ... Looks like you just made a ton of friends with this post. Take off your shoes and get comfy... There's no reason to leave now.
  • I remember you! I've been around since last February and I feel the same as you. I've contemplated leaving as well. I feel unnoticed, and not part of the group. But, that's alright! If you truly do leave, take care, and we'll definitely miss you! >:D<
  • I feel the same way, I've been here a while and haven't made any bonds,i used to post but never really got comments. My baby girl is 10 months. Maybe we can keep in touch. Hope to see you around... :-)
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  • @mommy2Ari I feel that way too. I think if your not popular than no one cares what you post
  • @mommy2ari that's exactly how I feel. It's very...clique-y anymore. It's like either you're well liked and get several comments, or you get a few response but really no resolution or conversation. I remember when posts got decent turnout, but now it seems like unless you're part of the popular group, there's no point in posting. I don't get how one person gets a gazillion comments for pics of their kid, but someone with a serious question gets maybe 6 comments. It's very discouraging, thus leading to people leaving the forum. :(
  • @mommyfor3 that's exactly how it is. It's sad...
  • That's how I feel! :-q
  • Are you on fb at all? I've made closer friends on the Pregly groups there.
    :) I'd still keep this account though. If you think about it, most of us have known each other for a year and a half!!!
  • I hate to play devils advocate, but depending on the severity (topic) of the posts, it's possible people don't want to mislead or misguide you; therefore minimal responses.

    If you've taken notice threads that get a lot of feedback are usually controversial in nature and most are speaking their minds on the issue.

    I lurked for a long time and finally started posting and commenting. Don't get hung up on the popularity of a post, but rather focus on the topic. Remember that time of day also plays a factor. I am by no means popular nor look to be. I am here to help when I can or even to laugh at some of the silliness.

  • @mommy2ari I've been the same way. There are soooo many times I've even typed up what I want to ask, or say, and I just end up changing my minds because I'll get probably 6 people comment, then it gets sunk because of the "better" posts.

    I'm not part of the Facebook groups because I know here, there aren't many "troublemakers" as most have been banned, but on those groups, there are a lot of those girls who I don't care to associate with and I don't want people stealing my photos only to make fun of me or my kids. It's quite asinine that "grown" women act like that. They ruin probable good things for those of us who are truly grown.
  • @mijita, actually, it seems like the posts that get a lot of comments are the more favored girls' posts of their pictures. Or, games or things of that mature. However, serious questions get overlooked and hardly commented on, unless someone says something to cause an uproar of sorts.
  • @LilSugarsMomma, I can see where you are coming from. I just see it as them communicating with each other more, not favoritism. I've posted stuff before and had my thoughts criticized. I ignore it. I'm not here to impress anyone. I know it's easier said than done, but don't let it get to you. I seriously doubt it's a personal attack against you. :D
  • @mijita oh, I could care less if I'm personally attacked. I, too, doubt it's a personal thing. It just seems like unless you're part of the more liked group, then you're not going to get many responses, thus making it nearly pointless to post.

    I'm not taking it personal, I just avoid most conversations unless I can truly help someone or have something to contribute that I feel is pertinent. Usually when I do contribute, unless I'm one of the very few to do so, I get overlooked anyway. So, I see no point in starting a discussion or even putting in my two cents.

    While it may not be favoritism, it's still generally the same group of people. Yet, you see girls outside of said group posting things, and the more popular group don't say much.

    I don't know why I continue to ramble on LOL. Sorry, I just felt convicted to speak up because I know how the OP feels. I've come close to leaving, and still contemplate doing so, but I want to be able to answer a question if I've experienced what they're going through and are unsure. I also don't want to hear "I thought you said you were leaving" haha so I just keep my account active and post when I feel it's worth it.

    Thanks for your insight, it's truly appreciated! :D
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  • @mama_kat patience is my middle name...not really but it sounded good LOL.
  • @LilSugarsMomma, :-D >:D<

    @Mama_Kat, looooove the subtleness of that :p
  • Ive been here since Feb 2011 as well...perosnally I only answer on posts that I know the answer to, can provide information or have a story similar to it, or it interests me. There are times I only get a few responses. And I don't get bothered by it. I figure people don't know how to answer of just don't want to. Cant force them...
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