Im Horrible...

My best friends daughter (My 'niece' practically) was accepted into the duel-language program today for kindergarten and I should be happy... But I am more jelious (sp) than happy. Because my daughters school jacked up my daughter was not able to apply and now theres virtually no chance of my daughter ever being able to do it... Im horrible. I should be so happy for her. :-(


  • Is ok to feel a little bit of jealousy , it happens to the best of us
    I am jealous of all the babies with teeth and my baby doesnt even have a single one lol
  • Its ok. Since @janet_2011 shared what makes her jelous..I'm jelous of crawling babies lol! Lilly 9.5 mo and just started rocking. She was 3 weeks early, we have time, but all the convincing in the world won't make her believe me that she won't die if she falls over lol! She's tough but careful :) there are no BAD feelings just bad ways to express them, imo :)
  • I'm jealous of babies with hair. McKinley is almost one and still looks bald from a distance. It's okay to feel jealous. And its good to admit it to people like us here. Maybe when you've got it under control, you can express to your friend that you're jealous, but still happy for them, so she can keep your feelings in mind, and hopefully not hurt them.
  • Thanks all! I love that little girl with all my heart but I wish my daughter had the chance. My daughter is going to do all the same freaken testing to sit on a dang waiting list and she (niece) gets in hrs after she tests because shes going into a younger grade. She tested for kinder but has already completed kinder at a private school so shes doing kinder all over again so she can be in duel.
  • Ok... So I know this is old but we recieved a call a week ago and my daughter was accepted into the program!!! 6 weeks after she started school!!! She had a day or two of mellow dramatics but shes good now and likes her new class!!
  • Thats great she gets a chance to be in the program!!

    @natashlynn Keegan is 1 and look bald still too! She's got a rat tail, but no hair anywhere else. :(
  • So glad it all worked out now!
  • Yeay! Glad it all worked out.
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