I am 11 weeks, I have had constipation pretty much since I got preggers. I would first try the fiber one bars and some fresh fruit and veggies. If those don't help u can try Colace or milk of magnesia, both help me.
I was only going once every 8 or 9 days. My dr had me try metamucil, milk of magnesia, miralax, and glycerin supposetories. Not at the same time of course. All are safe during pregnancy. Now I'm every 4 days and have to go to a gi specialist.
Fresh fruits, veggie, and tons of water will help. If it is still bad take a stool softener. Your hormones are changing constantly throughout your pregnancy which could effect how your body functions. Also, the further you get along the more water you require. My doc wants me drinking a minimum of 1 gallon per day. When he first told me that I thought he was nuts. Now that I'm 32 weeks along I can see why he said that. I do get my gallon down, its not easy but I know if I don't how crappy I feel. I get heart palpitating because my body is trying to push out more blood to supply to baby and the placenta, also I get bound up and can't go to the bathroom, tired, sluggish, headaches, leg cramps....all from not enough water. Water cures tons of issues in pregnancy.
I've had it super bad...so bad I actually got a tear :-S my doctor recommended miralax and it had worked wonders! I take it a week on then a week off. It comes in a powder form that you stir in a drink and it has absolutely no taste. This stuff has saved my life LOL!