


  • I'm glad she apologized and helped you out. I hope she meant it and continues to help and check on you and the kids
  • Oh that's great! I've done that before recently, my sister was being really ignorant about something. Usually I apologize to keep peace but this time I stood my ground bc I'm tired of feeling I'm wrong (my family has a way of making you feel you're the wrong one). I told her how I felt and thought the way she was treating me was wrong...didn't apologize...few days later she said sorry and boy did that feel good! Good job girl say what you need to say:)
  • One of the many reasons I don't and my children won't attend any "church" or have a religion. Every religion condemns every other religion and basically all religions you're goin to hell. I've told my son (and when my daughter is old enough) not to listen to ANY body that tries to tell them their going to burn forever (whatever have ur religion says) for something they do or don't do. Live your life according to ur morals (we teach our kids right from wrong) and enjoy life. Don't be scared to experience stuff because ur scared of what's gonna happen after you die. Who's to say that ur goin to hell for being gay, not going to church, not "tithing" , don't wear make up, should only wear dresses. There's just so many different beliefs and every one believes theirs is the right one and most religious people are the quickest to judge other people.
  • @BlessedTXMom that was my point in essence, no one knows who's going to hell. I'm just making those statements based on the churches I've been to growing up. I'm not saying anyone's religion is right or wrong or religion in and of itself is right or wrong. To each their own, I personally don't believe in religion and won't subject my children to it.
  • edited June 2012
    You ladies make me happy that I never knew Hispanic mother ;)
  • @captivated, TOUCHE. Ha ha ha ha!!!
  • I agree @cetheridge. Couldn't have said it better myself. A bunch of hypocrites gathering in one place is not my cup of tea. Just my experience.
  • Wow. Dont listen to them. Nice would hace went out the window. I sooo would hace went OFF and told her she would go to hell if that baby didnt have any food.

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