Just for fun: What's 1 very Irritating & 1 very Sweet thing your BD's do?



  • This one goes both ways depending on how I feel...
    When we are laying in bed he snuggles real close puts his leg over mine & holds me tight.
  • @daddyslittlekairi - That is a GREAT idea, actually! This thread give the guys a chance to read what irritates us & what we find sweet & wonderful in our men. It gives us ladies a chance to vent, while still giving you the credit you deserve & reminding us why you're so special to our hearts! You should totally post a thread like, " For the Dad's: Name one Sweet & one Crazy thing your Baby's Momma Does!" I would absolutely LOVE to read those posts! :D
  • Irritating- we go out for breakfast every sat morning and he knows when I wake up I need to eat like asap...but he still takes over an hr to get ready and leave....

    Sweet- every night before bed and every morning before he leaves for work he lifts my shirt rubs my belly and kisses it a few time and talks really softly into it...the baby is a daddys girl already the second she hears his voice she starts moving all over the place. I really think I'm gona miss his kisses on my belly when the baby is here.
  • irritating: he folds his nasty socks together when he takes them off (and his work boots make his feet STIIINK!) so i have to UNfold them to wash them. GAG!

    sweet: he goes to bed with me even though i go to bed several hours before him and will snuggle with me til i fall asleep :) and he always tells me im beautiful, which is extra sweet on the days i feel like a huge cow lol
  • Irritating: always on the computer, bad temper, and always tells me stuff about wrestling when i don't care.
    sweet: always gets me whatever im craving, tells me im beautiful, helps with our other two kids, and provides of us all:) i love my man:)
  • Irritating: He always has to go the bathroom right when we're about to go somewhere...and it's not quick.

    Sweet: He always hears me get up in the night to eat or go to the bathroom and asks if I need anything or want him to cook anything. Last night he made chocolate chip pancakes at 3 am. :) love him! & he is soo excited to be a daddy, he tells everybody and always talks about it!
  • Irritating: when he decides to clean when its time for bed. He does it all the time.

    Sweet!! He is always there for me,
    When he gives me the last half of his cheese cake because I ate mine to fast!! He's amazing!!
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