bad back pain this early, anyone else??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 14 weeks and the back pain is just killing me some days! It started ever since I became pregnant. My doctor said most women only have this back pain in the third trimester, when their stomachs are much larger. And that its not normal and i need to watch it. Back pain/problems run in the women of my family. Does or did any of you have this pain early?


  • I'm 14 weeks also, and I have back pain. I also get a pain in my hip, like a hitch maybe, that hurts when I walk sometimes.
  • I have very bad back pain, I have to go to the chiro once a week
  • I'm 15 weeks but have had extreme back pain since about 12 weeks its muscle aches with sciatica on top of it. My dr says it could be caused by an infection but I've been tested and nothing. I am also a little on the heavy side so this also does not help... all the women in my family also say they had this problem early on and it only gets worse :(
  • @newmommy17 how many weeks are you? I've thought of going to a chiropractor. What all do they do?
  • edited March 2011
    I am due in sept 12 weeks. I have this unbeliveable pain in my lower back and I am not sure what it come from. My guess I drink too many sodas and not enuff water. I'll ask my doctor Thursday an see.
  • @aug22baby I never thought about possible infection. Did they just draw blood to test it?
    I have a feeling its only gonna get worse.
  • Im 18 weeks. I have been going to a chiro for years a few times a year, but after 3 months of pregnancy I couldn't take it anymore and started going weekly. They do small adjustments and some physical therapy. They can't adjust you hard, so she has ben doing alternative things. I had a problem with one of my hips being in severe pain, so she put special tape on it that relives the pain and stays for several days. She massages my muscles and she said when I'm further along she might do some acupuncture (I've never done that before)
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  • I'm 14 weeks also, I occasionally have back pain but it's really my right hip thats been killing me lately! It was actually a little swollen this morning after I got off work.
  • @newmommy17 that sounds nice and relaxing. I might just make an appointment soon.
  • @Cait_SeptemberMommy...just a urine test. easy...
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  • I was born with bad I have back pain pretty much everyday. so when im preg it gets even worse. it sucks!!
  • I'm only 6 weeks and mine is killing me , I av psd which is where ur muscles in ur pelvis loosen of 2 much , I ad it with last child I was in agony ny the end ,
  • sounds like pubus symphasis disorder spelling might be wrong. look it up and get a support belt ,xx
  • @cait_septembermommy I have a friend that had back problems but she said that's where the baby was she ain't start showin until about 6 months but that was her cause of back pains
  • I'm 10 weeks n mine stay hurting ..
  • Right from the start I've had back pain! I've been told not to worry its where I'm constantly standing or moving an as long as Its not stopping Me day to day don't worry!
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  • Well I know the baby isn't on my back because I've had several ultrasounds.
    And its not only lower back pain, but all the way up my back.
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