Proud of myself!!

edited June 2012 in Postpartum Health

getting my body back!! 8 1/2 months postpartum


  • shucks, I can never get the picture on here. is it because I'm doing it from my phone??
  • Go you mama!!! I'm so damn lazy lol I will work out like a freak for a month then quit. I never make it longer than a month at a time haha.
  • edited June 2012
    Do it this way:

    <*IMG src*="* direct link *">

    But take away the * and copy paste the direct link between the ""
  • @starxoxo9 thanks girl! and I know what you mean, I have to take pre workout supplements in order to WANT to work out lol (ps I went to edit the original comment and there were no quotations :( )
  • @starxoxo9 nevermind, I understand now!!
  • Lol what do you take??
  • You look great:)
  • looking good mama.
    i wish i had motivation, im 13 months postpardum lol. pathetic! :-W
    its so hot where i live, and just the thought of going to the gym in this heat makes me wanna pass out lol.
  • You look good!
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