i need ro get my sexy back...

I feel like ever since we had our daughter my hunni and I just co exist instead of have a passionate bond. Before pregnancy I worked full time as a hair stylist now I work very part time and don't really take care of me anymore. I pretty much wear flip flops with every outfit, hair in a pony very little make up. All I focus on is being a mom. No social life no nothing lol its crazy but we have our 2nd blessing on the way which is exciting. I just want him and I to reconnect, cuddle, kiss, hold hands have us time. Any suggestions??


  • Def have a date nite like dinner an a movie, if u have a babysitter
  • @mrz_Jackson were going to do that tonight :-)
    @bexiewexie it just seems like if I have no where to go which is most of the time that I don't put myself together.

    I need to find friends with kids STAT!!! lol
  • Hubby and I relax and lay in bed, play wrestle, kiss and cuddle like teenagers and such :) its like my favorite pass time when the kids are occupied :) we are very affectionate
  • Omg im the exact same minus the bun in the oven lol @kenzie0713
  • Maybe start back working full-time it may make you want to dress up!!!
  • Same here
  • @alwayzbeenurz2008 it sucks doesn't it? I just feel like I've turned into 100% mom which I love but have eliminated 100% of us before we were parents. @mybabe I considered it but I'm feel very strongly ab not putting babies in day care especially bc with my job I have the flexibility to work around my fiances. Plus with another on the way it would be so expensive. I do know that would help tremendously though!!
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