omg! has anyone ever heard of...*little update***another small update

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
Birth contol pills making a hpt positive??? I started it today so took one pill to try to help with the 2" cyst i have on my left ovary. And just out of having no patients and since im due to test sunday. I took one tonight and it came back with a faint yet very noticabke second line. I even ran down stairs where the hubs was with two of his friends and i asked him to read it and did show any expression just said i wanted him to read results and he smiled and said omg its two. His friends of coarse had to give thier opinions and both said that it is def two lines and it was within the five mins. I am taking another one in morning but dont want to get hopes up if it was the bc pills. And another question if the cyst (which is filled with blood) would happen to rupture would it make me lose the baby?? Sorry im just caught off gaurd cause btw they did a urine test at er on friday morning at 2am when i went in for the cyst pain and it was neg??? Thanks in advance for any advice or input and thanks for reading:)


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