Sleeping trouble already???

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I'm 7 weeks and 6 days today and I am already having trouble sleeping comfortably...I have purchased a body pillow but even that hasn't helped....anyone else having this issue so early? Any tips for a good nights sleep?

Due 10/21 =P~


  • Me too!! I can't get comfy. I bought a body pillow last night but it didn't seem to help. Now I'm even more tired than ever. Hopefully someone has some tips for us
  • Same way am 11w 6d and and since 9 I think sooner I've been having trouble sleeping I only get to sleep good when funny has gone off to work and I have the hole new to my self
  • Im in my 10th week and I have started having trouble sleeping. I just cant get comfortable, and its either too hot or too cold.
  • @catben on I hate the too hot too cold feeling....I just wanna sleep! Lol good luck to you all
  • @angie87 I always have the entire bed to myself since my bd doesn't live with me...still doesn't help....I think I sleep better when he stays over...weird I know... I'm just do queasy I'm sure that doesn't help any....
  • I have sleeping problems also. I bought a body pillow and LUV IT! It helps my back pain, but I still wake up several times a night. I'm 13 weeks.
  • @mommyagain i am so with you due
    10/22 and haven't been able to sleep for at least 2 weeks i have had a body pillow since the beginning. Nothing really seems to work.
  • @mommyb3 awwww we are only a day apart! I've always had trouble sleeping but this is ridiculous! I wish I was able to take my pain meds...I have terrible fibromyalgia and the added pregnancy discomfort sure
  • Ahhhh sleeping problem I get them too. Either im too hott or cold it can be annoying at times I sleep alone also I have to sleep hugging a pillow or it being in between my legs
  • @mommyagain yea i understand that i am just getting over the flu since my son brought it home from school on Monday. So not being able to take anything to get better.
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