Growling Entity- For those that believe in the supernatural- NPR

Just wondering what you guys think this might be or what we should do...

So a few months back when I was staying at my moms house I was home alone and just walking down the hallway one night, right before I passed my parents room I heard a loud low growl coming from my moms room, it literally stopped me in my tracks and gave me chills. The first thing I HOPED it was was our dog but I looked all the way down the hall to where she was sleeping in the living room and there she was curled up sleeping in the same spot, so it for sure was not her. I know entities like fear so I did my best to pretend like nothing happened and go on without fear and that was that...

Now my mom does not believe in these things, or atleast she says she doesn't because it scares her. So since I was small and used to hear or see things I used to tell her and she would always come up with a logical explanation of what it was, even when weird things would happen to her, she would come up with something that explained it. But yesterday I went over to visit her and she goes to tell me that she was home alone with my little sister Saturday night and they were watching TV in the living room but she got up to go to the kitchen and when she was walking back she passed my little sisters room which was completely dark and she heard the same growl (which by the way I never told her about since she NEVER believed me anyway) and like me she thought it was the dog Zoey so she said "whats wrong Zoey?" and to her surprise Zoey looked up at her from my little sisters arms in the living room. She said she was soooo scared and for my mom to admit this is HUGE!!

I know there are people on here familiar with things like these and was just wondering if you have any thoughts...


  • It could be demonic but it could also be residual. Are your mom and sister's bedrooms close?
  • Eeek! That's all I can say!
  • @mom2ing but it's so weird bcuz I don't feel fear there and don't have many other experiences there.

    @mrsrobbins6113 yes about 15 ft apart I'd say. Now that u say residual I remember another experience, a few years back I was home alone and heard a LOUD woman scream from the living room, I ignored it. About a week later by mother wakes me up in the middle of the night in the dark and asks me "what happened, why did u scream?" My bedroom was right next to the living room where I heard the scream a week earlier. I had never told her about it either.
  • That is scary, i believe in ghosts. U guys should def get the house blessed. Right now, im staying at my moms for the summer & everytime i sleep in my old room nyla wakes up crying like crazy. But if i sleep in a different room she sleeps thru the night. My mom even mentiined to me maybe she sees a ghost. When i was a kid i was always scared to sleep in that room alone & break out in sweats. How are u & Zorian?? Miss talking to u.
  • @Nylasmommy I miss chatting with you too! I miss maternity leave when I had all day to chat on Pregly, now I never have time to log on :( Zori is getting so big, just like Nyla I see! She is soooo adorable!! I have to post an updated pic, wish I could from my phone so I could do it now. He now has a full head of CURLS!!! Lol

    But yes regarding the ghost, we had the house blessed before we initially moved in, not sure why this growling would start out of nowhere, its is really scary.
  • I am a huge believer! I agree with the ladies here,it sounds like a lot of residual energy! If you're interested and up to it-go to your local library or city hall and get property records! It could possibly explain alot,like previous deaths or maybe deaths took place on the property before the house was built. It could've even been an indian burial ground! Keep us updated,I'm very interested. Hope this helps:)
  • @tattdup_knockdup Thats a good idea actually, I might just stop by the library this weekend, it would be very interesting to read about it. I love reading about things like this. thanks for the idea!! :)
  • Awww lol u wanted him to have long pretty curls didnt u?? lol try n post up pics before his first bday haha. Yeah, nyla is big now. She has her 9 month appt next tuesday.... I always watch the shows the haunted & ghost adventure. N just this week they had a spirit that would growl in their bedroom. They had to have the house reblessed. is growling the only thing going on???
  • @nylasmommy No, once in a great while one of the lights will switch off, noises from the attic, dog looking around at something when there is nothing there but the growling has been by far the scariest. Oh and the woman scream I wrote about earlier. My little sister had a friend who supposably "saw spirits" and she would tell me little sister there was 2 ghosts in our house, both were female. One was a little girl who lived in the attic and the other was a demonic female who stayed mostly on the main floor in the living room/dining room area and the ghost in the attic was scared to come down because of the demonic one...crazy huh?!
  • Growling is along the lines of a demonic, Get the house blessed by a priest or a shaman DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE CONTACT, it will only invite more bad things into the house. For future reference unopened vingar keeps away evil sprits as does a vial of rose water. Burning Sage will also keep evil spirts at bane but as i said DO NOT attempt to talk to it. Demons lie.
    Ghost on the other hand will give you your bumps in the night and laughing or crying and maybe a wisper here or there .
  • Growling IS demonic. You wouldnt necessarily feel fear. They are very tricky and can make you feel what they want you do. They also impersonate people so it may have been impersonating your scream that one night.
  • @captivated @aubreysmommy @mom2ing I contacted a priest this afternoon, he asked that I talk to him after mass this Sunday, hopefully he helps. :(
  • I hope he helps hun
  • Oh my goodness. Not gonna lie... This gave me goosebumps just reading. Will u update us after u talk to a priest? Good luck. Not to sound corny or whatever but i would tell it to leave "in the name of Jesus Christ" if u beleive in God u do have the authority to make it leave, in Jesus' name.
  • @mommyof3girls used to say that all the time
  • Haha @skysma i say it all tge time when i get that creepy feeling.
  • My mom is wiccan snd she blessed the house thoroughly and re-blesses when she visits. There is something in mine as well, but it feels like a protector, so we don't worry. Growling is a baaaaaaad sign, though.
  • @mommyof3girls lol so do I haha
  • I got the willys reading this.....I hope the priest can help you all please keep us posted
  • @pregoagainyay @mrsstanley_x2 @mommyof3girls @skysma @aubreysmommy @captivated I will keep you all posted. I want for whatever it is that is in that house to be gone! Both neighbors on both sides have told my parents that their houses are haunted in past conversations, and there is a house in front that cannot keep owners because there is alot of paranormal activity, since I lived in the house for 9 years I must have seen 10 different owners, its crazy. So what I am thinking is maybe the land is haunted? Sounds cliche but maybe Indian burial ground...I don't know how to explain what I feel when I am there and I think that there is something there, it is not fear, it is more along the lines of anger. I feel like telling it "this is my fu**en" house, get the F out" thats how much it angers me. This home is what I call "HOME", I love this house more than my own house and I hate that there is something there claiming it.
  • I would tell it to get the eff out! But then I would probably shit my pants and run like a sissy girl! I'm not afraid of many things but this kind of stuff freaks me the eff out! I hope it goes away!
  • U might b right. The land might used to b a graveyard. dont tell it to get the F out bc u will make it angry & it may do harm this time around.
  • @Nylasmommy @mom924 Yes thats why I haven't done it lol, but if this thing can read minds it sure knows thats what I want it to do!
  • Be careful sweetie im praying that iy hoes the hell away
  • burn sage and every room and say spirit be gone no evil aloud and put some sage above your door and then sprinkle some sea salt at the bottom of your door before you walk in
  • look me up if you really would like more information on how to deal with all paranormal activity. I am a co founder of a paranormal ground in northern california. Text email or call me anytime the only thing I can tell you to do as of right now with out doing an interview with you personaly and ask you more questions is make home made holy water. Normal tap water in a glass bowl cup etc must be see through and must be glass. Put in a window with sunlight for 3 days this window must have sunlight 90% of the day. On the 3rd day before picking up the glass and make sure you don't touch it before this point for any reason or u have to start over. Make 3 cross signs above this cross repeat "for protection of this house please bless thee" out load 3 times pick up glass and go to every door way in the whole house and on the door frame use the water which is now blessed by the grace of god and draw a cross on the door repeating the same words as before. Once the house is covored you can save the water for later use or make more what ever you choose. Once you've decided what you've wanted to do with the holy water light a candle any candle for 4 hours and try to keep yourself as well as those in the out calm stress free and chill. Blow out the candle after 4 hrs and after doing so say out load " thank you holy spirit, amen". If this does not help please get into contact with me. Thank you xoxoxox to all the preglys.
  • Don't use sea salt as of yet depending on the entity you can make it worse by blocking doorways try holy water as I mentioned above and brining in a pastor or priest might have the same effect. No affence to anyone who has tried to help. By commenting above. Spiritual paranormal is something not to be messed with opening door ways that you don't want opened can take years to close. Oh sorry my # 530-722-5790 ask for angela or the email address on our website. If any one else needs helps my ears and advice and group are here to help
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