has any one had a cyst on ovary during early pregnanvy

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hi I went to the er and was given an ultrasound and was told that I am only around five weeks but based on my last period I should be almost 8 weeks. They only saw a yolk sac. Has this ever happened to anyone Help I'm confused and they didn't give me a due date


  • Everyone gets pregnancy cyst. Not sure why.
  • The ovary carries the pregnancy for the first 12 weeks until the placenta kicks in. One ovary will look gross, full of folicles on the u/s because its carrying the pregnany. If the folicle is big enough its called a cyst, it should go away when the placenta is fully formed.
  • I have a cyst on my right ovary. I can't conceive on that side. It never goes all the way down. I have horrible periods on that side. Being prego it bothers me. But you might just have one from the ovary opening for pregnancy. Just have doc monitor.
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  • I was also told that my hcg level is 10000 the doc is saying that he should be seeing a fetal pole by now but I'm confused because I think its too early to see a fetal pole
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