Disagreement on schooling. Opinions please
Okay, so a little background first. I grew up going to a methodist church as a child. Hubby went to a hardcore Baptist church. We both believe in God (a higher power) but we also believe strongly in sciences (me especially). David starts school next month, and we werent able to get him into our first choice public school, so MIL begged us to allow him to go to Emanual Baptist (private). I am allowing him to go this year because at his age, there wont be any science involved but next year I want him in public. I know everyone has their own beliefs, and I respect them. However, I do not believe the earth is 3-6 thousand years old and I dont want my child being taught that. My husband shares my beliefs but is being pressured by his mother to keep him in that school throughout his education. I am fighting tooth and nail against this. Im not saying I want to force my beliefs on him either, but I would rather him learn the science part in a public school, and the faith part in church & sunday school and then allow him to reach his own conclusions as he gets older. He is also not allowed to wear clothing or have school supplies with pop culture references (spiderman etc). This is another thing I have against him going there. He wont be allowed to express himself as an individual. Am I wrong for being 100% against this school? How should.i handle this situation with hubby? (could care less what the MIL thinks). Opinions please.
@captivated I always respect your thoughts
@captivated I always respect your thoughts
I don't want Malia going to school here in NYC, I want her to go to public school in Texas! When the time comes, I see an argument
I just want him to see both sides. He can choose one or the other, or find a way that both (science & religion) can go hand in hand..like me
I took my participant at work to church because he asked to go. It was a baptist church. That day, the preacher took out a bible (non KJV) and he SPIT IN IT AND THREW IT!! If I wasnt working, I would have left immediately. I was so disgusted. Its one thing to have strong beliefs. Its quite different to disrespect the beliefs of others. That incident has weighed heavily on me each time I think of my children going to a baptist private school, or any religious school for that matter