???'s about teeth

So im just curious my LO is 10 months an has been teething his top 4 teeth for the past 3 weeks. About 3 days ago the left top one came down an yesterday the right top one came down. My question is how long does this take? 3 weeks seems like a long time for a tooth to poke through. My other question is did anyone else's LO's top 2 teeth look like they were gonna be spaced apart and end up being together?


  • My daughter is getting her top 2 teeth as well. It's taking forever. I thought that once the tooth broke the gum it'd jut sail right in. Wrong. It takes a few weeks for them to get out fully. It took about a month or so for her two bottom ones to get fully out.
  • It took my 8 month old about that long to get his first bottom tooth. He actually started teething around 5 months but it got bad a few Weeks before the tooth came thru
  • My son is 1, and he's been getting his fangs in for at least a month, and they haven't came down all the way. I think it takes 6-8 weeks for them to come out all the way, sometimes longer.
  • It took my baby about 6wks for them to come all the way through. And his top front teeth were a little spaced apart but his teeth are straight and together now
  • My sons dentist said they need to be spaced a little to allow room for their adult teeth.
  • Thank You all for posting, I guess my question wasnt very clear. So I can see his teeth through his gums, his gums look like they have little cuts on them where the teeth are going to come down its been 3 weeks already an only 2 have actually come down. Should the other 2 come down soon? Hope that makes since for ya'll. @sands3 @SalasMommy @EricaK22 @1stWoodsBaby
  • There really is no telling. With Ollie's first set, he cut the bottoms...and it took months! They would start to poke thru and then go back up..,then pop thru and go back up! It was nits! He was so grumpy for 2 months! By the end I was ready to cut them out myself!
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