shooting in Colorado aurora....

Omg have y'all heard about this???!? This guy went to the movie dark night and as soon as the movie started he threw a tear gas bomb and started to shoot!! They are 15 people dead. The youngest person shot was 3 months old!! And a one year old was shot in the face... Do, you believe this!!! Omg i'm never going to go to the movies!, and epically with, my babies!!!

And then he had bombs in his apartment and car! He was planning to do it bigger!


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  • Omg :O What the he'll is wrong with people????!!!!!
  • It's sad, for everyone.
  • I know me to. Why are people like this?? Why do they want kill innocent people??
    Omg Idk. I just hope there is no copycat.
  • I woke up to hearing about this. This makes me never want to go to the movies again. That's very scary. What is wrong with people?!
  • I just saw someone post about it on fb so I came straight to pregly I knew someone would make a discussion. What the hell!! So sad :( but also why would ppl bring babies to a movie?
  • People are nuts! I can't imagine going to a movie and this happening
  • It's just nuts! I also agree why would you take your babies to a movie that isn't for kids? That man has got some serious issues!!!! Grr!! He makes me so mad!
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  • This is heart breaking. However, if we always live in fear of what 'could' happen, we would never leave our beds. This just gives me more incentive to obtain my concealed weapons permit.
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  • Exactly what @captivated said!!!
  • Yes 12 people. I live 20 minutes from Aurora its all over the radio :c super scary. Our mayor is there
  • edited July 2012
    Yeah concealed weapons r nice but u can't take them in most movie theatre. Plus a dark room if u open fire u are just as likely to end up in jail for murder.
  • @angieahrens when it was first happening they reported 15.... But then later on it turned into 12.
  • Actually the 3 month old didn't die thankfully unfortunately the youngest was a 6 yr old very sad I wouldn't take my kids so late to the movies it's very sad I live in Colorado
  • Yea I know he didn't die but he did get shot...i'm watching the special edition on ABC and I can help but cry. Its horrible. I feel so bad for those parents and people who saw there friends and killed n shot n not able to do anything.
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