did someone take a pregnancy test at first and then you take another one and the first line is faint

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I took my first pregnancy test on feb 8 2011and it was postivie. Went to the doctors and got my first ultrasound and it conformed that I was pregnant and I was 4 weeks along. I took a second pregnancy test on March 8, 2011 and the first line was faint does that mean anything I just want to know. I got back to the doctors on Friday to get blood work done and another ultrasound done


  • No u should be fine, your hcg levels rise everyday . .your just very early on....when i was 8 wks i still had a faint line.
  • ok I qill vw 8 weeks on friday so I just want to make sure because I am a first time mom and of course I worry like always lol
  • I took two hours apart and the second one was faint. It was because I probably didnt get enough urine on it.
  • I see that could have been, but I thought you have to urine on it for 5 seconds
  • I had that problem. The cross was faint in one and almost non-existant on the other. It was so unclear that I bought a different and digital brand.. Much better! I recommend clear blue digital. They're 2/$15 at my local CVS
  • Thanks I am already pregnant but I just wanted to take the second one for fun
  • Wow I was going crazy yesterday because of course I was worried. I go to the doctor on Friday to see the baby and get my blood work done. I will always worry
  • I tried those early tests. 2 said negative. Day after missed period,I got a positive but the line was faint. It just depends on the mother.
  • yea i told one on the 8th of feb and the first test came back postivie and the first one was dark and then went for my first ultrasound and I was 4 weeks along took a second one for fun and it was the first line was faint
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