my baby is due on my birthday

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
This will be my third child! I was on birth control and we still ended up pregnant. My husband couldn't be happier. He wants a girl and I would like a boy but either way just as long as the baby is healthy because we have one of each already. Anyways just wanted to share my joy.


  • Yay! When's your sure date/birthday?
  • Due* date. My Dumb phone
  • Exciting! My due date is just a few.days before my bday!
  • So exciting! My original due date was on my bday too but after my ultrasound they said she's measuring a week small and moved it to exactly a week after.
  • That's great! Our due date is our anniversary lol
  • My due date is on my birthday too! November 10th, when is yours???
  • Ok so my birthday is November 11 and that's when the baby is due so this year is super special cause its 11-11-11 and thanks galls for all the wonderful warm wishes.
  • my babys due on my nieces bday n girl as well my sister jave the only baby girl in the family so :p to her lol, shes very.selfish seems though.mum has 4 daughters all who want kids
  • My mom and sister share the same bday and mine is only 2 days after!
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