
So we have been tryin since Aug.10 and I know that's not long but to me it is. But we still have not had any luck yet. I took the test this morning and it states not pregnant. I'm only getting more frustrated with this bc I don't know why we can't get pregnant. Now I'm at the point of giving up because I'm frustrated and depress. My bf claims he ok after the test say no but I know deep down inside he is hurting jus as much as I am. We even tried a fertility supplement pill but I guess that didn't work either. Has any one else gone thru this situation before? If so, what dis you do to keep yourself motivated and to keep trying?


  • It took my hubby and I a whole year! I understand its frustrating but will happen when its supposed to. Do you know what day you ovulate?
  • My fiance and I were trying for about 5 months and I was feeling exactly how you are now. A close friend of mine suggested I try clear blue digital ovulation tests to find out exactly when I ovulate and to use pre-seed lubricant when it shows that I'm ovulating. I tried those things and I also elevated my hips for about 20 minutes after and we conceived that month. Its worth a worked for me. Good luck! Sending tons of baby dust your way.
  • @maybabygirl no I don't know I'm suppose to ovulate bc I have irregular periods.

    @mrshudson10 thanks for the advice ima wait another week or two to see if anything comes bc I do have irregular cycles. But if nothing happens then Im goin to try what you said.

    Thanks again to you both
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