omg these!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So since I've gotten pregnant I've had these weird freakin dreams and this is gonna sound really awkward I'm sure but they're either about me being with another girl or my fiance cheating on me and Ive never really had dreams before but they are really starting to bother me I woke up crying and called my fiance and told him about it and he says I'm crazy just go back to sleep its only a dream don't worry about it but I can't they seem so real its creepy.. I'm tired of them. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to make them go away or change so I dream about fluffy bunnies lol idc what I dream about just anything but that.... Is there something wrong with me???????


  • I'm the same!! Since i fell pregnant I have the weirdest dreams! About my baby or my fiancee leaving me or eating all my doritos! My midwife says its completley normal!
  • No there is nothing wrong with you. I just woke up from a second horrible dream all within an hr and I woke up sweating! I didn't know that was possible lol. So we just have to deal with it ugh no fluffy bunnies dreams for us. We get sexual dreams because of our hormones. I've already had a few dreams like that lol weird why not guys! Bt the bad ones do make u think a lot : ( Don't let them get to you.
  • Lol thanks guys and I try not but gosh darnit its not easy and I wish I could have a dream about him stealing my doritos instead I could probably handle that a lot better lol glad to know its not just me tho and I used to love sleeping but now I'm afraid of what's gonna pop in my head once I close my eyrs. I mean some of these dreams are just plain tramatizing or however you spell it lol
  • :( still crazy dreams
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  • Omg don't mean to laugh but that made me smile lol
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  • I have weird dreams to last night I had a dream like I was a detective and this dude kept killing people and every time I walked into a house it was somebody dead and at the end all the dead people were piled into a closet and the killer was right beside me. Crazy!! I was up early this morning...
  • Ha I would be a little freaked by that lol but I wish I had dreams about food even evil food instead if Hubby to be cheating or worse me cheating on him with girls :0 its a little weird to wake up and he ask if I'm ok and what my dream wad about now so I tell him and he is like wow you have issues lol
  • Lol! I thought I was alone! Its def the pregnancy.. I have the weirdest dreams bout ¿aliens? And other crazy things lmao
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  • I also have dreams of hubby cheating, and it is usually with my sister. This cracks me up cuz I know he wouldn't touch my sister with a ten foot pole. This is my third pregnancy and I think I have had dreams like this everytime.
  • I have weird dreams abt all kinds of things sometimes I just wish I could turn them off and my bf works nights so I am home alone and when I have a dream about him cheating I will stay awake and be mad when he gets home poor thing
  • I had a dream I gave birth but didn't remember, then I had a newborn who was able to talk amd form sentences with words idk thr meanings of
    It was weird
    And that was only one of many dreams last night
  • I'm having SUCH weird dreams! But you guys, having crazy vivid dreams is a GREAT sign! It means we are releasing optimal levels of growth hormone during the most efficient phase of sleep! It seems like were all having kinda yucky dreams though huh? Mine are all about being attacked or chased and theyre SO awful! I keep waking up in a cold sweat and I feel totally disoriented - again, good sign!
  • @Celiaagnes good glad to hear that's ehat it means!!!!
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