NCLEX Panic*UPDATE 2 at Bottom*



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  • I only worry because others that I talk to said that they studied for weeks to MONTHS! I've studied for....two days, lol @homebirthadvocate
  • I panicked before my tests...and I have both my cert and registry. It's a little different from nursing, but the tests are done the same way from what my nurse friends have said. If you know the format of the test and practiced how to take it all that time in school, I'm sure you know it!! Study some tonight and take your test tmw. The sooner you pass, the sooner you get an awesome job! :)
  • Okay, thanks for the reassurance @rtmommy. My schools pass rate went from a 90% to a 60%. Students are getting 30 plus select all that applies...and those are impossible for me to answer. If I fail, I have to wait 45-90 days to retest AND pay 300. If I have to go 90 days before getting a job...I'm screwed
  • Yep. All the same consequences when I had to take mine, too. The money part is the hardest!! It's all test taking. Remember to take it how they teach you, and not real world. That was a huge difference between my tests and actually doing my job. Hah You need to get through the nerves. You know you know the stuff! :)
  • They did say that in the review course- this is nclex land. Everything is perfect there. Lol @rtmommy.
  • I would push it back a couple weeks and get feedback from those that took it. My friend passed it on her first try, but she studied for about 2 weeks before. I do agree that it depends on the individual. My friend also said the questions are tricky and you have to use good judgment, so be careful.
  • I didn't study n I took both Lvn n rn nclex in 45 min...just calm down n relax n u will be fine...good luck Ashley ;-)
  • Thanks @mijita. Unfortunately its now past the time to reschedule so i have to go. Guess I will wing it! @preggomommyof4
  • Good luck! She also said if you finish before 100 questions (she did it in 85), you are almost guaranteed a pass. Does that make sense?
  • You got this i also took both the lpn and rn nclex and passed them both..with my rn i called as soon as i got my okay to test so i called on a wednesday and took it that friday and i was due any day with my baby so you can do it! Just go with the first answer that comes to mind dont second guess youself! And ps i didnt study at all!
  • @mijita, yep. They say if it shuts off on you at 75 you either passed with flying colors or failed miserably. Lol
    @luvn_my_babies, thanks girl!
  • I just took another test from my review. 100 questions and 85 passing...I got a 64.

  • Those tests r harder imo..n stop wrryin girl :-))
  • Don't laugh at me!

  • ;-) I'm sorry!
  • Hun, i took my nclex a couple months ago and i didnt feel ready either, but i passed. Like the other ladies said, answer with the first thing that comes to mind and dont second guess yourself. You will do great!
  • Okay I will do that! @mommyinwaiting
  • If it makes you feel better, I failed ALL my practice tests. Miserably. And I passed both my cert and registry with an 85 or more...if I remember correctly. Lol You're going to pass! Relax. :)
  • Omg yay! @rtmommy. I think having so many friends that failed is getting to me...
  • You hang out with a lot of bad test takers. Lol That's unfortunate. If I had compared my chances to classmates...hell! I have no idea how most of them graduated. Lol Quit comparing yourself. You're smarter than the average bear.
  • Do you know what the decision tree is? I missed itin my review class @rtmommy
  • Never heard of the term. I assume it's a test taking how to decide which answer is best. Usually you can eliminate a couple answers right off. If you know the format from practice, you're going to do well. A goober of a nurse I work with just passed his CCRN and he's a complete goofball. Don't over think it.
  • Im taking it soon as well, i heard that its 1/3 pharmacology, my cousin just passed hers, and she said that you need to know pharm for sure.... good luck
  • @hsweetie21. It's hard to get info from anyone about what's on the test because of the way Its formatted. It gives you questions based off of how you're answering. So if you answer a pharm question wrong, it will you pharma. Some only have four SATA (select all that apply) and others I know have had upwards of FORTY!

    What I was told was to know your signs and symptoms, lab values etc. others have told me they have had no pharm and some had twenty or more pharm questions. good luck with yours!!

    Exam is in 5 1/2 hours!!!
  • Good luck sweetie!!
  • I took the nclex in 2001 I looked over a few tapes but you can't really study for it I didn't really study and I passed the first time and I'm no Einstein lol but it will come back to you if I remember correctly the nclex is full of scenarios like what would u do situations I'm sure you will do just fine wishing you luck:)
  • @blessedtimes2, thanks! That's what I'm hearing as well. Not much can prepare you.

    @lourdes26us1, thanks!
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