

  • Yeah my pain comes and goes. Its horrible. I just take the pain because nothing seems to help tylenol orajel nothing.
  • @morganpatrice mine is abcessed into my cheeck n jaw :( I know its awful to do but I finally had to pop the infection. It gives me a little relief for about an hour. I seriously haven't found anything else that works :( ive looked up everything on bing n google n have tried everything. It just doesn't work. I hope you can find a dentist that will work on you!!! Its awful.bein pg n having to deal with a toothache on top of it!!
  • I found this orajel mouth rinse and it works you should try it.
  • @morganpatrice where can I get it??
  • Mix some benadryl and mylanta together and swish it in ur mouth it will help with the swelling and inflamation
  • Just don't swollow it
  • i went to the dentist today for a routine cleaning and exam, well turns out i need a root canal! i cant believe it im so stressed out bc its $2,000 and i dont have that, let alone im trying to save to move in june and for my baby! the dentist says i have to do it before baby comes before it causes an infection that can get to my baby..it hurts tho and i also had jaw pain, i hope for you it is something simpler
  • Be careful with dental work while preg I got a cleaning and a tooth pulled at 30 weeks and it put me into preterm labor and put the baby under a lot of stress
  • i have a doc appt in 2 weeks and im going to discuss it with him, i dont really want to do it and i wouldnt be able to afford it until 2 more months at least which would put me at about 28 wks?? oh geez....
  • @2600wifey they tried to get me to have several root canals done but I refused them n made them pull em out! They were just trying to charge my ins out the butt! I give up on my teeth though, my babys sucked me dry so I'm just going to get dentures! I'm done with the awful pain n my teeth cracking at the gums! :( @mommyof3boys my dr gave me infection meds but their not helping yet im getting induced this tuesday n I can't wait!!! :)
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