teen mom being recorded

Is anyone else having trouble watching teen mom after they recorded it? The last 2 weeks I've recorded the new episodes and both times I've tried to watch them, I have no picture only sound. It's really irritating! Lol I wanna see the new episodes lol.


  • what service do you have?
  • I watch on mtv.com and its been acting up..
  • I have Directv and I've not had any problems. Has there been vad weather during the show when its recording? If theres bad weather while Im recording something it sometimes messes up the recording.
  • @mybambina28 time warner cable
    @mmomma1013 I tried doing that but it was also acting up.
    @1stwoodsbaby no, nope at all. That's what I don't get, plus its only that one channel. We have recorded other things on different channels and haven't had any issues. Just mtv.
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