boobie changes.

edited February 2011 in October 2011
Ok, so there still NO af to be found & I'm noticing my symptoms more and more here & there ;

My boobs are going a through change that's isn't normal to me, my nipples are larger and the glands are starting to show more, their a shade darker & their starting to itch and break out.. They look a little dry & cracked around the areola. Now I just want to know is this normal in pregnancy ? Could this be a sign.

I'm testing again this weekend but according to my app I'd be 4w6d in my 5th week.

I think I worry myself with all these questions. But I just have to know.. I rather ask you ladies then frantic on Google like I always do lol any response is fine. I just need to ease my mind a little and vent :)
Thank you ladiesss.


  • well my boobs hurt and have already almost gone up one whole cup size... i am an H now!!! i got measured today at the mall... my nipple are bigger and are staying hard more than they were before, maybe a little darker (areola) and thats about it... i am 6 weeks and 3 days... hope it helps... good luck on your test!!
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  • I had the same changes to my breasts in the beginning of my pregnancy! It looks like you might be pregnant! I'm 32 weeks now:-) best wishes and good luck!
  • @lovethemoon.
    wow, that's wild. Sorry i didn't even know they made that size.
    Oh the wonders of pregnancy & your so early at that..
    My areolas are definitely darker. I just rubbed lotion on em' they itched so bad >:( - thank you. I really need some proof.

    Aha, that's cute! & what I should be doing.
    Even if it is 2am here.. I really hope I am. I just thought I was delusional with all that's been going on with my body this week..

    Yay!! Really? That gives me hope. I'm too excited now all over itchy breasts & other symptoms but the more I notice them the more I get giddy about me actually being pregnant again!(:
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  • Thank you @mama_kat.
    I needed some assurance.
  • Aww I sure hope so I'm praying for you!:-) yeah mine would itch badly and hurt. So excited for you have faith:-)
  • @asmommy11.
    Thank you.
    That helps knowing there's others who dealt with the same situations. Its very comforting! :] & oh I'm trying. Everyone will know the results when I test again..

  • Start putting lotion on them. I didn't know I was pregnant and mine grew and now have stretch marks. It's very sad because I love them so much.
  • Due Oct. 15, my boobs will not stop hurting AND my nipples have gotten larger and darker
  • I can't believe your still not testing positive hopefulmommytobe!
  • Wow!!! I didn't know boobs got that big, that's impressive! My first symptom was very sore boobs which were a little heavier and darker. I found myself holding my chest whenever I went up and down the stairs. My cycles were 26 days long, nothing on day 26 so tested on day 27 and 28, both positive. I think you should definitely take a test ASAP, good luck Xx
  • @Chelsea.
    Yeah I did lastnight they felt waaaay better:) LOL & aw I'm sorry. I love my little boobies too. Idk what I'd do if they got any bigger.

    Oh yeah, its definitely a good sign.
    I'm worried as to why I wont show positive on a test.. it's so discouraging.
    I'm giving up hope and wondering if something else is wrong with me =\…

    I know right!
    I don't know what's the matter with me or my cycle I guess.. Urrg! I'm losing hope.

    Yeah I should.
    I got a dollar general test ; looked up their accuracy online & I'm going to test tomorrow morning. I've already spent money on the good tests and got a bfn. So if this one is negative im setting up a doctors appointment because this is ridiculous.. I'm 6days past my regular period was due.
  • Sorry if I sound a little weepy or irritated but I've felt like crud alllll day. Almost threw up twice & its just not my day! - I hope I'm not going through this for no reason ughh I'd be devastated ladies =((
  • @cantwait2bamommy.
    I started spotting today.
    It was brown and I'm not sure what to expect.. it happened in the late afternoon.
    I'm going to test tomorrow and see.
    But I made a doctors appointment for the 21st so I'll be hopefully getting a better answer. I'm worried af is going to show up =\\
  • Hey hun how did you go? Have you done a blood test yet? Xx
  • I'm a spotter. I spotted early with my daughter and have with this one already too (I'm about 7 wks + 1 day). But it's very light... almost unoticable if I weren't looking. I just over work myself. Hope the best for you. Just take it easy if you think you might be prego. :)
  • @mummy_to_be.
    no I haven't been to the doctors yet.
    I feel like its a dead mission now anyways.
    I've been trying to stay occupied so I don't work myself up, its just not my time. I have practically figured that much by now.
    I'm ok with it. Its too much stress for the moment ya know?
  • Same happened to me in my first pregnancy. I would have my husband coat me in cocobutter and wrap me in saranwrap belly and boobs. Less stretch marks no cracking. Also try not to get soap on ur nips while showering. It eliminates natural oils.

    And if u think ur boobs act funny now, wait til closer to due date. U will start to see white dots ont the tip of ur nips, and some women start leaking milk :(
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