I don't get it...

edited August 2012 in Just for Fun
Why do kids follow you into the bathroom?! Especially when you're taking a duece! I mean it stinks...do they have no sense of smell?! My son follows me and stays in there with me:( my daughter didn't do this, well until recently...she waits to ask questions when I'm going...hmmm! If I shut the door my son stands outside the door saying mommy and trying to come in. He can be doing his own thing playing and as soon as I go to the bathroom he is right there. That and when I'm on the phone they seem to come around...they can be playing by themselves (perfect time to make a quick call) and boom! There they are!


  • My kids don't follow me to the restroom, but I totally get the phone thing. They don't want to talk to me until I'm on the phone. Lol.
  • Lol. My kids do it too. I actually remember doing it to my mom too. No idea why. I think they sense we r trying to hide from them for a minute. Lol
  • Lol my daughter follows me and tries to crawl up my leg.
  • Lol!! Love this its so true! My 10 month old wants me to hold him while going!! [-X
  • OMG hahahaha that is so true, my two girls do the same thing.
  • Malia too. Like sheesh! Even when daddy is home. Lol. But she rarely follows him in.
  • My ten year old still tries this trick!
  • @Fate you are so lucky:)
    @mommyof3girls thats true! @emy yeh its crasy! @Janet_2011 its weird bc like i said it is stinky and i don't understand why they can stand it! On top of it my 2 yr old gags when i change the baby! @JoshnEviesmum really?! so it doesn't end?? @Proudmother1009 yeh my son tried to get me to hold him too!
    @caroline8_p yeh they don't do it to my fiancee either..wonder why?! lol!
  • My little boy does this his dad and I. I also dont understand the logic behind it. I dont let him in but I wish I could take a boo boo in peace. Yeesh is it too much to ask for. I also get the phone thing, he tries to mimic me while I'm talking I can't have a proper conversation lol. Ahhhh gotta love them though =)
  • I'm happy my lo is still way to young to do this :-D
  • lol i dont have this problem yet but my dh has 11 yr old brother who was very hard to potty train up until 4 yrs old when we changed poopy diapers hed ask what color is it,gross lol
  • Oh my goodness my kids do this too especially my 3 yr old son even if I lock him out he's right there looking underneath the door. I can't even make phone calls anymore until their down for their nap.
  • My girl do the same she stand in the door and start yelling mommy mommy lol and she even knock!! And when i get out she start yelling and acting like she was the mom lol we have to love them
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