Please Help!!! :( (Photos) *FINAL Update*

edited August 2012 in Health
My oldest has developed an allergic reaction to something. It is contagious, as I now have it. She is going on day 7 of having it. I am on day 3. The doctor only gave her steroids and she took her last dose of it today. It helped quite a bit with her swelling and the redness. Now that she has no more medication, it's getting bad and swelling up again. I don't know what to do! Has anyone dealt with anything like this before??

This is what she is supposed to look like:

This is what she looked like on day 2, we rushed to the ER upon her waking me "Mommy, what happened to my face?":

This was taken 30 minutes after her first dose of steroids:

Thia is her butt, same day (day 3):

This is her butt today:

I don't know where to go from here. The rash is raised and welted. Visits to the doctor are getting really expensive!! :( She is so itchy and the only thing that helped it was the steroids. She takes Benedryl at night and is still severely itchy! I have a one the size of a dime on my left breast and I'm terrified that my baby will get it so I keep a band-aid on it. I have one on my leg that is raised and orange in color. It's about 7 inches long and 1 inch wide. It has "branches" where it is spreading. The doctors ruled out poison ivy/oak, chicken pox, shingles, chiggers, bed bugs, scabies and ring worm. We thought it was a reaction to a box elder bug bite, but I didn't get bit by one. HELP!!



  • Wow. Poor baby and mommy. Rashes are so hard to diagnose. :( Doesn't look like anything I've seen before. Maybe the doc can refill her rx at least?
  • @RTMommy I am going to call and ask them, but while we were there they said that the 5 doses would clear it up. :(
  • My first thought was lyme disease, but that's not contagious. I'm sorry. Request a referral to a dermatologist, that's probably the best option.
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  • Awh, man. I know the steroids won't clear up the rash, but at least they will reduce her symptoms. Poor thing.
  • @Mijita, @Mama_Kat Yeah. Looks like that's what I'll have to do. I am at my wits end!
  • Oh my God that poor poor baby! I have no advice, but I'm sending good vibes and I hope she gets better soon! That breaks my heart :(
  • Looks like poison ivy/oak to me. Howd they rule that out? Ive had it on my face and it looked just like that. Anyhow, poor poor little girly! I sure hope it goes away SOON! :(
  • Omg poor honey!!! I have no idea what it could be. I hope you get answers!!!
  • @MrsStanley_x2 Thanks. :( It breaks my heart as well. And she is so uncomfortable.

    @bexiewexie Thanks hun!

    @mommyof3girls We live in the city, she hadn't been anywhere else. They told me poison ivy/oak works quickly. I should have mentioned that this started out as two bites that looked similar to mosquito bites, on her face. That was day 1. That's why we originally thought it was from the box elder bugs that she collected. Now I'm not so sure. :(

    @starrxoxo9 Thanks! Made her a dermatologist appointment for tomorrow. They're gonna take swabs/samples of it for testing. The answer feels a little closer!
  • Im sorry she has to go through that :( must b very scary for her. I hope it goes away soon.
  • Aw that's good!!
  • Poor little poppet. Hope you find some answers soon. She must be so upset by it all
  • Hope she feels better
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  • I used to get poison ivy really bad when I was little and it looked just like that...I once got it in my throat and it swelled and I couldn't breath! I hope you figure out what is soon!
  • edited August 2012
    Looks like poison ivy for sure. Like you can see where she may have scratched and spread it. Scrub under her nails really good and put calamine and keep her from touching it. I came across this picture and it looks "similar" to the first you posted, except a little worse.

    Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
  • It isn't poison ivy. She hasn't gone anywhere to be able to get poison ivy. There's no wooded area inside the house. @LilliansMom @Steph_Due_101611 She woke up with two "bites" on her face, that was day one. Day two there was swelling, so 24 hours after the "bites" appeared.

    @Mama_Kat I will for sure. :)
  • I've been told poison ivy can travel though the air. Maybe a neighbor was cutting some down & stirred it up or something? Idk, but she looks miserable poor thing. Have you tried steroid cream like hydrocortisone? I hope it starts getting better!
  • Has she been anywhere like even a store or park or out on a walk? Has anyone come over recently?
  • @wilsomom It can only travel through the air if its burned and the oil from the plant is in the smoke or soot. No burning in the city that day. Used cream with absolutely no relief.
  • @wilsomom is right you can get it from it travelling through the air I used to get it without being anywhere near the woods or where you would think poison ivy would be. And that's how I got it in my throat that one time they said I must of breathed it in while it was travelling....anyways since its not poison ivy I just hope it goes away soon for both of you!
  • @Steph_Due_101611 No. We stayed home for 3 days prior to the "bite" looking things. :(
  • Hmmm. Got ne stumped.
  • @LilliansMom It can only travel by smoke or soot. No burning in the city that day. It's an oil that causes a reaction. I hope tomorrow brings answers!
  • I am sending prayers for your family. I would take mine to the er and demand more testing, but I'm dramatic lol
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  • This might sound stupid. Is it possible the bugs she collected where around a poisonous plant?
  • @mom924 You're a freaking genius!!! Will mention this tomorrow! My God thank you woman!

    @Mama_Kat What did she end up having?? That sounds scary as heck!!!

    @emy I did! Day 2, 3, and 4 were spent at the ER. Worthless! :(
  • The spreading between you and her has me absolutely stumped if it isn't from a plant. ::scratches head::
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