Any experience with Germany births?

edited March 2011 in Military moms
So we are flying out April 26th for our 3 year tour in Bamberg, Germany. I'll be about 30 wks at the time which doesn't concern me. What does is the mixed info I'm getting on delivering my son in Germany. Any and all advice/info is appreciated...


  • All three of my cousins were born in Germany on base. My aunt loved Germany and didn't want to leave! Good luck!!
  • Try to have someone there to translate... a co-worker or something. I did not deliver there but I had all my prenatal there and my doc was awesome...I wasnt in Bamberg though so I dont know that area. Be warned though Germans are not as modest as we are so they may lift a sheet to look while people are around.
  • I was born in Germany on an army base hospital
  • @marierica I wish it were going to be a military installation! I'll be giving birth @ Bamberg Klinikin (german for hospital). From what I know so far, drs over there aren't big believers in epidurals or pain meds during labor. They do speak English though and the army is going to sent a patient liaison with us for translating and to help us understand the cultural differences of things. Still very nervous though :(
  • @sgthalesbabies I hope everything works out....And good luck I would die without an epidural
  • Good luck ladies. Enjoy germany! Its such a beautiful place.
  • Hey girl! I am born and raised german! I delivered my daughter in germany as well! I was actually born right outside of Bamberg in a small town called Lichtenfels, anyways... what are u worried about? One negative thing that I didn't like was sharing a room in the hospital. But as far as the delivery it was all great! I loved my midwife and was wanting to deliver I the birth tub but the baby didn't wanna come there! Lol good luck! You will enjoy it there! This will be my first delivery in the US I am pretty nervous myself... keep me posted though! I would love to hear more! :)
  • I had my first daughter in Weiden, Germany and had a really good experience. Since Bamberg is a much bigger city, I'm sure you won't have any problems. A friend of mine had her son in Bamberg. I was treated like a princess in the hospital, which was much different than here in the states. And the good thing about Germany is that almost everyone speaks English, so you'll more than likely have nurses and docs that speak English and can communicate well with you.
  • @momof22b I'm worried my wishes for pain control won't be followed through cause I want an epidural and from what I understand they aren't big believers in that over there. I'm also scared because I'm very high risk and not comfortable with just a midwife treating me. It took me 4 years to get this miracle baby and I want me and him to have the best care.
  • They r really good about giving epidural if u wish to do so! I didn't have one with my daughter but that was by choice. My mother did have them though. My suggestion to you would be to meet the staff and become familiar with the place and ask many questions b4 you go inn to have ur baby. it will make u feel more comfortable and less stressed about it. Good luck and keep me posted! :)
  • Hey my step side of the family is from Germany I can ask if You would like? Maybe You can check out the Dr first and talk about How They would go about delivering your baby. Good luck and That must be very nerve wracking
  • @Samantha That'd be awesome, thanks. I'll be 31 wks when we get over there and found out about a month ago I have gestational diabetes. I was already high risk cause fertility problems and a tumor on my pancreas and having to change drs so far along scares the $hit out of me. I just wish we could've moved other there sooner so I would be better prepared. I'm on insulin and seen every 2 wks here and they start seeing you twice a week @ 32wks here, but I have no idea what the protocol for my situation will be over there
  • Oh ya that's super stressful can You start calling drs or emailing them up there to find out? If you know who you are having for a Dr. Ill ask my family what they know of or maybe They can call relatives That are over there. Good luck
  • I was born in germany!!! My mom said her experience with the german hospital was horrible because they frowned upon any types of drugs while in labor! But that was 20 years ago so maybe things have changed! And her doctor didnt speak clear english so she was stressed the whole time....but hopefully things have changed and good luck :)
  • They do let you use drugs And a lot of people are bilingual now. :) good luck. Have you been able to speak with a Dr from over there to ask questions?
  • Oh And a lot of drs are Good there and smart. Why can't You have the baby on base?
  • @samantha I haven't spoke to any doctors over there yet, trying to get everything ready to move and don't have much time left over, lol. Most people in Europe speak several different languages because the countries are so close together that pretty much have to, lol. In Bamberg where we are being stationed there is only a Primary Care clinic on post
  • My sister gave birth twice in germany. Her first which was 2 years ago was horrible. Noone spoke english and had no way to tell her she was too small to deliver vaginally. So here this poor 22 year old girl sits with absolutely no family but her active duty husband trying to have a baby but noone willl tell her she needs a c section. The 2nd was pleasant though. 6 months ago my nephew was born with a perferrated anus and was takin to a childrens hospital shortly after delivery. He had surgery and now has a colostomy bag which is now in the process of bring revered. This all was around ramstein, I pray you have no problems and your pregnancygoes well:)
  • Well, baby decided he wanted to be born stateside. Started bleeding severely 4/25 @ 230am. Had 2 doses steroids, waiting on Dr decision for c-section today. I'm 32wks. Please pray for me & my little man
  • Praying!
  • I was born in Germany! Coolest thing to say you were born in another country, lol.
    @sgthalesbabies I'm praying! Keep us updated!
  • Keep us posted lady good luck.
  • Thought we were in the clear but was awakened @ 330am to be told I'm contracting every 45mins and has heart rate drops with each one, so waiting on surgical team to get here @ 7 & they're pretty positive he's coming out today @ 32wks & 3 days. Please keep us in your prayers & I'll do my best to keep everyone posted. I'm on my phone, & don't know how to start a new discussion, so if someone could do that for me to ask for prayers it'd be greatly appreciated
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