
edited August 2012 in Pregnant
Hey ladies question I have heard n read some post of ppl getting prego on it how did u irls found out.. I had got it on since Jan or feb but missed my period this month....thought maybe my cycle change


  • The iud can take your period away.
  • Oh ok Idk that part just it made it lighter..I had a spotty day n gone the next day...I just don't want to be worry
  • I understand. I worry a lot too. Lol.
  • Lol me too. I can't rite now having one more I'll go bananas in the future yes but not know..thanks
  • The chances of getting pregnant on it are very very rare. Can you feel the strings?
  • @captivated no I can't..ok still no period. According to my last period is 10 days late...doc said to give it 2 weeks from the 10th hen call them.
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