potty training before new baby

edited March 2011 in Parenting
Well, my two yr old still hasn't been potty trained. And I would really love to be able to do it by the time I deliver. (In August) is there any way possible to do it in such litttle time? Or any helpfull tips on how to get started?. I dread the idea of "double dipper duty" at least to the point of him knowing when he has to let me know or anything closer to smelling the dirty dipper would be nice. And thanks in advanced girls.


  • I'm in the same situation .. lol I have a very stubborn boy who will only go pee not poop ... im due in June. :)
  • I wanna kno to. Im due in july. My son will be 3 friday and he has no interest in it.
  • @lovebeingamom I have a girl who does the same thing.
  • @lovebeingamom,Mine only acts like he's peeing, (like he stands in front of the toilet lifts up his shirt & "points"..) but as soon as those pants and dippers go off he breaks down crying!
    Ladys?! What IS so scary about the toilet?! Lmao..
    >.< @Karla_with_a_K, mine will turn 2 on the 27th actually. Am I being too hard or early in trying to do it now?
  • Where are all the third, fourth, & fifth time mommies at!!?? Lol
  • @mom60511 I know I don't understand how he will walk up and take off his diaper and go pee but runs from it to poop ! and @maribelg lol! Boys :) and yeah where are all those moms at lol!
  • They say when they are ready, they will use the potty. Two, in my opinion is young for potty training, but thats just me. At least ur lil one will act like he wants to lol. Mine loves his pullups too much
  • Im bout to be a third time mommy. I have one of each right now. My daughter was easier to train
  • Iam due next month to my second son..my first is turning 4 in june and its been about 3 weeks scince he started usin the potty I was so happy..i thought I was gonna have to buy double the diapers!
  • Im a fourth time mom. I taught my boys to pee on trees, car tires, the rose bushes out the back door. They were trained to go outside before they learned how to use the potty! My second son was afraid of the toilet, i got him a potty chair and put it outside in summer, then when it got cooler, i brought it in the bathroom. By then he was used to his potty, and in a couple of weeks he moved himself to the toilet. They spent a lot of time running around the house in undies, i have tile floors, so messes were easy to clean up. They were both trained by 3. My daughter, on the other hand, potty trained herself at 2, and then just quit. Im due in june, and trying to get her back on the potty is tough. But summer is coming, so she will be wearing undies all summer. Hopefully she will remember how to be a big girl then.
  • Hi guys my 3 year old has been potty trained since a, little pass his 2nd bday. My best suggestion is consistency, make the potty accessible and fun. Also, see what works for him. My son didn't like the potty he wanted to go on the toilet. We had to buy a the ring and that was his preference. Timing was also key.
  • My son was so stubborn. He grasp the concept of it but liked the convience of going in his diaper. My work is crazy on me so it was never forced on him til one morning, I was so frustrated with him. I took it off and told him that he had to be a big boy from now on cause you can't wear diapers anymore and he started going to the potty. and I bought him underwear with his fave characters on it and told him he couldn't pee in them or they'll be sad. He was 3 though and I had to constantly remind him to go every few hours. And my son loved to pee outside in the grass. Haha.
  • I wanna know too my son is 2 years old n I'm due may 29th
  • Girls! Thanks :)
    My son just hates the potty and when he acts like he's peeing he only does it on the toilet so maybe he will be a toilet boy and not potty.
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