very scared!! tmi

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just went to the restroom and when it came to wiping there was a dark brown color discharge on the toilet paper.. I don't know what to do! I'm scared for my baby being in danger. I'm a ftm and know nothing about this. Any advice would be very appreciated! Oh by the way I'm 39w6d.


  • Call ur doc have u been feeling the baby move
  • Hun, no worries!! It is probably your micas plug/start of your bloody show, which in return means labor will come soon!! :) you bleed during labor hun, its from your cervix opening. You can try to walk, do squats, take warm shower and relax as much as you can!! You will be holding your little one soon! :) you can call your labor and delivery though to let them know or your doctor so they can be prepared for you within the next 48 hours. :) congrats!
  • aaww your about to go into labor! my sister had this a day before she had her baby.. YAY!! Good luck :)
  • I agree with Tiff, its likely bloody show.
  • yes.. she moves all the time. The only thing is that my doctor only gave me her office number.. And I don't have any where else to reach her at.
  • Do you know the hospitals number hun? If you call and ask for labor and delivery, talk to a nurse there and let them know and they can call your doctor to let her know or they will give you her number :) calm down, nothing is wrong, you are just starting labor hun :)
  • ok. Thank you all for helping me out with this. I'm about to call right now.. Thanks once again!
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