not very good news

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 26 weeks pregnant and my doctor called yesterday to tell me I failed the 1 hr glucose test so I have to go back and take the 3 hr one and I also fail the cbc test so he may want to run more tests and I might have to take an iron supplement I don't know yet...I cried all night to my bf because I feel like I'm failing him and our son :-((


  • Ugh!! I gotta take that first test in 3 weeks. My doc told me not to fast before it. Did you have to fast?
  • @jbaby i have failed the 1 hr glucose test w all 3 of my girls #4 is on the way. It is not something you have done wrong it is a good indicator in picking up that your body may not be working the insulsin that is naturally produces in your body right. This is also used as an indicator for some that they may develop diabetes later in life so that you can ajust your lifestyle and eating habits now to be better prepared later on. Also w the cbc having low iron is not that bad. Some women's iron levels drop bc all that is going on w your body. This a precaution as well bc if gets to low it can hurt the baby.
  • You are not failing anyone! You are putting your body on the line for the health of your baby. You would be failing them if you ignored the results and didn't go back to get retested. Stay strong. I have my glucose test tomorrow.
  • @salsabia I was told for the 1 hr. That you can't eat or drink anything from midnight the night before

    @3girls_0boys I understand how important the tests are I'm still mom had geststional diabetes when she was pregnant with me...its still just really scary cause I didn't go threw anything like this with my other 2 kids...

    @maggie I feel like I'm failing them because there could already be so many things wrong with this baby because I'm high risk...and with my boyfriend he didn't go threw anything like this with his ex she had it so easy so he isn't used to any of this and he doesn't know what to say or do...he isn't even getting attached to our son because he is to scared to thinking he is gonna be born to early and die or he is gonna be born with problems (I had my other 2 kids at 37 weeks and both were born with birth defects)
  • @jbaby they might find out w the the 3 hr test that u r just borderline same w 2 of my 3 the 3rd was gestational diabetes. I wish u all the luck w the next test. Just remember to take a deep bresth and relax.
  • @3girls_0boys thank you! Your a big help...did you have to do anything special? Like take anything or do stuff?
  • I'm on iron n I only came in .1 under limit I think they shouldve tested.further but midwife sais its.fine I also had coccoa pops half hr b4
  • @jbaby i had to watch my concentrated sweets w all 3. W my 3rd every other visit i had to have my sugar tested when i went into the office for ckups. Every dr is different i would ask ?s. Also the hospital cked my 3rd's sugar level after birth and every so often throughout the 1st day to make sure her level was fine. But like i said you should ask ?s
  • Hmm Ive heard people say they had to be Npo after midnight. Doc told me 3 times not to fast. Ill let ya know how mine goes.
  • is this the test where you drink the juice? I was told when I go I can eat anything, which sucks because I faint when I give blood when im hungry!!
  • At how many weeks do u have to start testing for this?
  • edited March 2011
    My sister failed her 1hr test but found out she was perfectly fine. Now her daughter is prob too healthy at the age of 7 months.
  • @bellareust its part of your 28 week labs...they usually ask you to take them a little bit before 28 weeks or at 28 weeks...
    I'm hoping I'm fine that it was a false fail on the 1hr. I really hate drinking that stuff but they called again today and told me I had to go march 21st and get more blood work done for my blood count...and then I go tomorrow for my 3hr test :(
  • I'm also 26 weeks, and got my results back Monday. My iron is low too. Did you know baby gets all the iron he needs first before you do? That's what made me feel better. Started the iron right away. Take it with vitamin C on an empty stomach for best absorbtion--and don't drink milk with it. Calcium blocks some iron absorbtion. And beware, the constipation is not fun with the supplement! Bleck! Good luck with the next sugar test. You're not doing anything wrong. Things happen...
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