hurricane Isaac..

edited August 2012 in Pregnant
Is anyone else in the cone for Isaac? I'm seeing now that we're under a hurricane warning and can expect hurricane conditions within 24-36 hours. I'm in Mobile, AL.


  • I live in south Florida, and it's been non stop raining all day long..the streets are flooding here. :/ I hope once it gets to you it's slowed down, and not as bad!!
  • @lucyloo288 I'm in Biloxi... Expected to hit tuesday afternoon or evening. Cat 2.
  • @lucyloo288 ... I live in California and know nothing I MEAN NOTHING about hurricanes.

    What is it like?
  • I've went through hurricane Ike in Texas. @YNVTish its like a reallllly bad thunder storm. Much higher winds, which is where a lot of the damage comes from. Almost non stop rain, except during the eye (center of storm).. that's also a really nice calm time. Lol

    It can be intense, evacuation is ideal, most times mandatory.
  • I'm same as Tish. As a Cali girl, I'll take my random earthquakes over hurricanes and tornadoes any day.
  • @Ericak22 glad its not doing too much damage for ya'll! Houses aren't getting flooded are they?

    @redshadoe0 Yup.. we're pretty much getting the same news. If it makes a direct hit for either of us, tho, we'll still both be affected. Ya'll stay safe!

    @ynvtish most of the time there not much to worry about if you prepare and have a plan.. mostly just lots of rain and strong winds. Usually, you lose power, and obviously you shouldn't be going outside. Depending on where you are, you could get flooding from storm surge. And tornadoes are common, too.

    I'm kinda freaking out because this is my first storm since moving out of my mom's, I have an 11 month old to worry about.. and I'm 37 weeks pregnant, lol.
  • @caroline8_p my husband and I went to Texas after Ike to do relief work! there was some crazy bad damage to one of the towns we were in..
  • @caroline8_p ike destroyed alot of my moms house we had to repair like crazy

    Please prepare big time guys. Especially with babies shop for everything that will necessary for them. It was dreadful for us no light for three weeks let alone being with a baby! Stock up ladies on milk on diapers on food on water get everything
  • We're out of the cone, for now, but this storm is so big that no matter where it makes land fall, almost the entire gulf coast will be affected.
  • Praying for you ladies that will be affected over there in the US, prepare well and be safe x
  • Were still in the cone... And now were on the north east side of the storm the side that causes the most destruction bc its throwin all kinds of water and wind at us.
  • @redshadoe0 well ya'll be safe.. that's where they're saying its going to have major storm surge, so don't hesitate if water starts rising. Be safe!
  • My house is on high ground that Katrina didn't even touch thankfully. I'll get wind but I doubt the water will even come near me.
  • edited August 2012
    @lucyloo288 @salasmommy we were in Texas city 4 blocks from the Dike. We (TX city) hot the least damage and floods cause they have a great levy system. We did have to repair the roof, thhe fence between us and the neighbor & pick up all the branches. Plus no election for a week, we took our bed outside and slept on the back porch. We woke up to a squirrel yelling at us. Lol

    Ohhhh, but.. there was a house on stilts over the water, it was GONE!! Their things were ALL OVER the place.
  • I'm in louisiana, they said we will get it by tomorrow night!
  • Hope you're ok. My friends are in Tampa and they just all moved from pa...I keep seeing posts about the weather. They even closed my friends daughters daycare. We usually get the end of the hurricanes up here, pa doesn't get extreme weather, well at least where I am. Praying for you down there, be safe:)
  • edited August 2012
    Just went to the beach to check it out... the beach is gone already. The water is up about 5 feet already they said, and that's without high tide. And there are WAVES right now!!!!!! We NEVER get waves!!!!! I took videos but I have no idea how to post them. Pretty cool.

    I'm in Biloxi btw haha
  • I stay in new orleans left today
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