i got busted!!!!!!

edited August 2012 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
I know I know I'm bad for this but, me and hubby & r son were on r way to the beach. (Long drive) just when we were almost there I decided to take my Lil Guy out of he's car seat and feed him I bf. Then a cop on a bicycle pulled us over. Does any one know how much the ticket well b its r first time were n California


  • edited August 2012
    http://www.cdph.ca.gov/healthinfo/healthyliving/childfamily/Pages/CaliforniaLawsRelatedtoBreastfeeding.aspx heres a link about the laws on breastfeeding in California but its saying they allow women to breastfeed in public unless its on another persons residential property in public...

    I hope the link makes sense cause i'm a little confused by it.. :)

    Here's the civil code link http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=civ&group=00001-01000&file=43-53 it proves that it's allowed...if they wanna ticket you bring this copy of the civil code to court or to the ticket place you turn your tickets in at..
  • @aishamusa I think she means she took him out while driving?? in minnesota when you get any ticket it says the price right on the ticket itself!
  • Is there a number to call on the ticket? I'm totally just guessing I've never gotten any sort if ticket.
  • @LeviLuv8 Yeah i know. She didn't specify so that why I kinda got that idea.
  • Why wouldnt you just stop???? What if you would have gotten into an accident. I moved to texas recently and never once took him out of his seat without being parked. It was a 23 hr drive.
  • Are you serious? You should have stopped. That's so dangerous. [-X you're lucky you just got pulled over rather than getting into an accident.
  • @ezrasmommy I doubt she needs to be lectured sweetie. Lesson learned. Without an accident.
  • @RedShadoe0 Couldn't agree more
  • I know I'm gonna get sh** for this but, whatever the amount is its not enough! you seriously endangered your child's life. why in the world would you do that? take five mins to pull over!
    On second thought I'm going to bite my tongue and not write what I was going to. I hope you learned your lesson though!
  • In Indiana I heard it is a $1200 dollar fine...hope it is not that bad in California.
  • For everyone getting mad at her, I guess it is a good thing you all are perfect
  • I think we are all guilty of doing something because of the ”it can't happen to me” mentality. Sorry you're getting grief as you are an adult and have your own parenting style. Hope you were able to enjoy your time at the beach.
  • No amount of "tsk tsking", finger pointing, or lecturing is going to turn back time and change her decision. Don't you think she got enough of an earful from the cop?? I really hate when everyone jumps on their high horses.
  • I know here in illinois they call dcfs right on the spot and you instantly get investigated aling with a $500 fine for child not in a carseat.
  • Looks like 100 for first offense
  • Sucks that it happened, I'm sure you won't do it again. It's not like you were trying to do harm to your child, obviously since you were feeding her. I hope everything works out okay.
  • @mommyfor3 right on girl I loved that so true. On a side not girl don't kick urself in the butt crap happens all the time I got a following to close ticket because "I need to learn what precious cargo I'm carrying" yeah everyone slamed on their brakes because they saw the cop I was pist. But needless to say it probably wasn't the right decision but it happened now you've learned and that's that hun
  • Woot Woot @mommyfor3 ! In a time like that when baby is screaming, the only thing u wanna do is fix it. And pulling over for 5 mins. HAH!! I nursed my son til he was 7 months (milk dried up for no reason and nothing fixed it) & it would take him at least 30 mins to eat. While pulling baby out of carseat wasn't the smartest idea, it happened & now with the ticket I'm sure it with happen again. :)
  • We have all done things that seemed like a small risk and then later realised how big it was and regretted our decision.
    Good luck with your fine hope it's notv huge xox
  • @sry it was while hubby was driving i suck at grammer. thanks though
    @there is a # but idk if they give info like that. wow u never got a ticket
    @Kindell yup u are totally right i should of stop.
    @EzrasMommy yup im seriouse i guess im a bad mom luckey me god was watching over us.
    @RedShadoe0 so true ty
    @heyitsme lets c y would i do it cause my son was crying and i gave in
    @wow thats alot i hope its not alot here
    @Mijita i know right i didnt know how much perfect moms were on here people make mistakes guess theres very few of us. and we had a blast being my sons first time he was scared of the sand and water but he loved the birds
  • edited August 2012
    @starrxoxo9 i guess when it says vent keep peace full doesnt really matter to some woman. yea the cop did make me feel like a awlfull parent but i deserve it
    @Steph_Due_101611 i also heard on something like that differnt cops well do differnt things
    @natashalynn i shore wont do it again just trying to make my son happy but got in trouble
    @tinka1326 so true
  • I've taken Kaylee out of her carseat at times before bc of acid reflux so don't feel bad. Not sure how much your ticket will be though.
  • @Tootie08 thanks................ IM NOT ALONE
  • Here dcfs is mandatory
  • *Sigh* I forgot we can't voice an opinion on pregly without people getting bent out of shape. I'm not on a high horse or perfect, I just thought that was something that falls under the common sense category.

    @heyitsme totally agree. But you're not allowed to say how you feel here. Sorry :(

    And btw @roxy I don't think you're a bad mom at all, we all make mistakes, i was just saying what I had to say in regards to the topic. I thought everything was pretty peaceful.
  • Im all for breastfeeding on demand and in public but a moving car. im glad you guys are ok and all you got was a ticket.
  • @ezrasmommy I already knew that I was n my wrong I didn't need peoples opinion on that part. What I did need to know if any one new how much a ticket like the one I got well cost
  • @salasmommy same here but I went over bord
  • edited August 2012
    When you post something like this you're gonna get opinions whether they're wanted or not. That's to be expected. But I have nothing else to say. So on that note, good luck.
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