
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I only weigh 98 pounds. I've been getting sick everyday after I eat. Should I be worried?


  • I don't think so, your still in your first trimester.
  • Oooh no. I was under weight when I got prego and quickly packed on lbs at 24 weeks id gained 30 lbs And got fussed at by my ob.
  • Oh ok :) I was scared that my baby wasn't getting any food. This is my first kid so I don't know much
  • Lol my first too. Truthfully in the pregnancy world the baby will always* get what it needs even if that means your not that's why vitamins are a must! :-D
  • How many weeks are you?
    & thanks, I feel better knowing that. :) now I have to find a way to keep my vitamins down.
  • I'm 27 w 5 d.
    In all honesty your baby probably already is getting everything it needs without vitamins. I've only taken then maybe 5 times total. I just can't seem to make myself remember to take them. And I'm a vegaterian so I usually would lack a lot of things, through passing out while pregnant and so many other things me and my baby are super healthy. Aside from borderline high bp but there isn't much to change that. You can take 2 flintstone completes if they are easier than prenatals. I learnt eating a cold lemon helped. And preggie drops as well.
  • Are you having a boy or girl?
    I am def going to try them. The lemon sounds good :D
  • Boyyy :)) I didn't get sick often though I just passed out almost daily.
    Also lemon water helps with water retention and swelling so its something good to start yourself on :)
  • Aw.. I want a boy, congrats tho! :)
    Passing out sounds worse then getting sick. What would help you with that?
    I haven't been able to keep water down :( just looking at it makes me feel sick.
  • Don't worry im the same way b4. My weight b4 was 107 and I lost 7lbs cuz of vomiting. Now at 21 weeks 6days I've only gain 6lbs.
  • Absolutely nothing! I hope it doesn't start happening to you the drs just said it'd get worse and try to sit down. Lol
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