I have the merina mirena forget how to spell it.. I had it for 3 months everything was ok n now I missed it. But when the doc place it she said she cut the string to short but I'll be ok. Idk if that will affect it. So confused I look online n its scared its say 1 out 1000 can get pregnant. Talkin to my doc is like talking to a wall. Said is normal have cramps from time to time
I think you can miss your period with that one. You can also get pg though & the iud will not allow the baby to implant. That's one of the ways it works as birth control if killing sperm or preventing ovulation doesn't work. 1 in 1000 is only like one tenth of one percent...so try not to worry.
Oh ok sounds better it just weird bc this is my second time with it. I had my daughter 7 years n I got the iud n got my period ow my baby is 9 months went back on it n now Is different.
@dec10 No I don't have any side effects. I also had one after my 4 year old was born and I never got my period then either! Did you have the mirena or the other copper one?
I just went through this.. I took 7 pregnancy tests. I FELT pregnant. sick, always peeing, I thought I was no doubt gonna have a baby. my son is only 8 months... Then a month to the day late, bam. heavy period. stupid mirena. I hate the damned thing.
Dec10 I have heard it can make your period go away altogether.