how much longer?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 25 wks today with my first. I have heard that with your first baby you usually go to 40 wks or longer, is this true?


  • I know I'm 23 weeks and I'm going crazy I just want my lil man to be here already I feel like each week goes by slower and slower
  • It just depends my first baby did not go to 40 weeks. She came 37 weeks.
  • Yeah, it all depends. You could go over your due date or before. Your body will definitely let you know when it can't hold the baby any longer.
  • It depends 100% on you and when you are ready. My mother went to 42 weeks with me (her first), my aunt had her first at 35 weeks. Both of us were 100% healthy, I was 7lbs 7oz, my cousin weighted 6lbs flat. You'll get there. And trust me, when you do, once that sleep deprivation kicks in, you'll have times you wish you could stick it back in for a few hours just to get a nap!
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