bedtime routine
I need to figure out a new bedtime routine. Mine obviously isn't working. Jack is 10 months and still wakes up several times a night. For those who's babies sleep they the night, please give me your routines so I can alter mine to see if that helps jack. I'm so tired!!!
Well, we don't let her nap past 430, so we play until 530-600 then we eat dinner. After dinner, dad plays with her, either running around the house, or he takes her outside to play with bubbles or something. Around 7-730 we feed her a snack yogurt oatmeal or apple sauce) then its bath time.We let her play in the bath for a while, then we dry her off, get her dressed with the lights low, and her music on, and then we all read a story together. By 8-15 she's in her crib, and is usually asleep within 10 minutes and sleeps until 7-8am.
Btw I know it's late but it works out perfect for us because we sleep late and she wakes up 9am for a bottle then at 12pm and stays up until her nap at 3pm