feel like im coming on my period but its impossible :S help please

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I have only two days till my due date so I'm obviously pregnant so why do I feel like I'm about to come on my period!? I got the whole back , tummy, leg ache and little cramping feelings :/ hmmm...


  • Maybe labor is starting...
  • That's early labor... the real labor is when those pains are so strong you can't breathe like literally you can't even talk! When those contractions are 6 minutes apart you need to go in
  • edited March 2011
    I had a bath & took paracetamol and had two hours sleep with my hotwater bottle feeling better still ache a little but we shall see what happens thankyou :)

    @Caiti5 @britny10760
    Oh something else recently when I poke or push on my tummy I get pressure of something pushing on my bum have you had similar feeling.?
  • edited March 2011
    Sounds like you're getting REALLY close! Omg so exciting! Take some some tylenol
  • It sounds like early labor!! I'm right there with you.... those menstrual like cramps are the worst... I hope your back labor isn't horrible! I wish you luck!! I have ten days left and I'm so ready! Have you started dilating yet? Or effaced?
  • I have 10 weeks left and have those same symptoms sometimes. Really scares me because i don't want to have my little boy this early. Doctor said it's possible though with him being my 5th.
  • @4senough sorry to sound silly what's Tylenol ? :/ oh my god so scary only 2days :) is the pressure in my bum a sign aswell when I push on my tummy?

    @rosesm730 woo finnaly someone who is at the same sorta stage as me, I am 2cm dilated I been like it for 2/3 weeks now and the babys head down and engaged. What about you? And my period cramps and aches they keep coming and going have not had the full blown stuff properly. We keep having little fake hiccups but I think our little one is a attention seeker lol, how you feeling and good luck too you too!
  • @hurstk28 Aww bless you hun, fingers crossed he does not come early just try take things slow and get a lot of rest and help from your loved ones! I bet your really worried but I'm sure he will be okay and if he does come early the technology they have nowadays he will grow up to be a strong boy! Keep positive x
  • @cherry_bump. Acetaminophen is tylenol. Over the counter medication typically used to relieve pain and fever. Yes the pressure in your bum could be a sign that baby is dropping and entering birth canal. Usually happens days before birth
  • Braxton hicks feels a lot like a heavy period is coming on.
  • I had the worst back labor! Hopefully this time its diff
  • @cherry_bump. I was 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced... I find out tomorrow if I am more... I'm crossing my fingers and hoping ill be a couple more centimeters so they will just give me my c section... i hope you go soon!!! Are u having a boy or girl?
  • @4senough Ohh okay I just thought I was a weirdo. Thank you!

    @PreggoGiggles , I've had braxton hicks already and I dont think its that to be honest its like a dull achey period pain.

    @lily_glz good luck :)

    @rosesm730 fingers crossed your more dilated. My midwife won't check me again as it can cause infections, oh is there reason your having a c section? Hope all is okay. Me to been having alot problems recently! Having a girl what about you?
  • I had a previous c section so they want to do another one. I am having a girl too! They checked me today... I was still the same! Oh well only nine more days. :-)
  • Good luck!, Aww little girly :) keep active get things wiggling I got 0 days left today is my due date and no baby lol :(
  • I am 50% effaced the doctor said my cervix is paper thin and she could feel the gap in the babies skull during the exam, but still no cramps or dilating. The pressure of the baby is making it very uncomfortable. Anyone know a way to speed it up besides sex and walking around a lot?
  • @firsttimemomct do squats! You will feel more pressure but it really helps! Hold the squatting position for 3 minutes every half hour and trust me it will help you dilate and it may jumpstart your contractions. It did mine. I was induced though because I just tried squats the day before my induction date and I was overdue but when I went in I was already having some contractions and I was dilated more. :) good luck sweetie
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