Too much weight gain??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow and at my last check up this past monday, my ob said I need to slow my weight gain, eat healthier, and exercise more. I've gained a total of 12lbs so far but I'm so paranoid not to gain so much that I find myself trying not to eat at all.....normal weight gain is about 25-30 lbs and I've never had weight issues with my other 3 pregnancies. Anyone else battling weight gain??


  • I started off my pregnancy 5foot 6 and 104 lbs. Which put my bmi at around a 16 according to my doctor. And now I'm at 145 My doctor isn't worried because the baby is healthy. And he wants me to be at 130 after the baby is born. He said I was way too small before. But I don't think 12 lbs is bad at all. That actually seems about right.
  • Am 20 wks gained 4kgs so far, doc mentioned i shld slow down and gain up to 10 kg till full term.... :(
  • When I was at 21 wks I gained 11lbs. Unless u are severly overweight I would think 12lbs is fine. What I try to do is everytime I eat a ton of junk food I eat some fruit too. Attempt to balance it out! But I also eat fruit n veggies and healthy meats. Don't stress too much about it!
  • Don't listen to anyone about how much weight you should gain! They told me I could gain 40 in my first pregnancy and I was 165lbs eat what you want just excercise more.
  • @kaylarose07: yes, doc says baby is growing fine but just concerened about my fast weight gain..

    @sheron: that's how I was with my last three pregnancies in the beginning. In my last trimester is where I gained all the baby weight...i guess that's why this one is so different cause im gaining a lot now but not knowing if it'll stabilize towards the end

    @dobiemomma: thanks! Before pregnancy my doc said I should lose 5-10lbs but now that im pregnant its a concern that im gaining too much=( I love fruits & veggies too...its actually what I crave a lot of

    @britny10760: thanks! You made me feel a lot better=) my issue is finding time to exercise....with 3 kids already, its a battle just getting out of the house without tag a
  • every check up ive had I heard the same thing, try to exercise more no sweets...psh ok can you make me feel bigger?! lol im 37 weeks n have gained 60 lbs so dont feel bad at all
  • wow I feel horable! I'm 30 weeks and iv gained 50 pounds! but I'm not fat, its belly and boobs. oh man I feel huge :(
  • With baby #1 I gained 57 lbs! With baby #2 I gained a whopping 49 lbs. #2 was witht hr help of steriods. But this time I have only gained 3 lbs @ 14 wks. I would say ur doing great actually
  • I agree... and seriously everyone gains 40 pounds or less in their pregnancy whether it be your first second or third. Don't worry about it.. its mostly water.. baby and placenta.. 10 pounds of that is probably yours. After you have the baby you can drink tons of water.. I dropped 20 pounds right away. Pregnancy is beautiful don't ever let anyone tell you your fat, because being pregnant is an excuse =) haha
  • And you don't always have to go out without your kids to excercise.. you can play activities with your kids at home and you will get a work out also. Everyone will be happy =) and if you need time to yourself. Relax in the bath while your kids go to sleep or get a sitter and just take time to take a nap by yourself
  • @Mommajan: lol thank you! Same here I feel bigger than a house and my dr who is fit and has never had children is telling me

    @Devins_mommy: that's how I feel...alll boobs & belly

    @Survivormommy3: thank you....I'm thinking it just might be bcz my first three were sooooo much similar where with this one, I'm gaining faster

    @britny10760: amen to everything u said! Lol being pregnant its my excuse for almost everything!
  • As long as u r healthy weight doesn't take priority! I gained 52 lbs with my first, 37 with my second and 33 with my third. All my babies were healthy also!! Thank goodness! Good luck!
  • @3boysandcounting: I just had to smile @ your name bcz I finally came across someone on here that has 3 boys too! Healthy babies is the main thing=)
  • I don't think your weight gain sounds bad, try to eat healthier but I wouldn't starve your self or anything
  • Well I'm 22 weeks and I have gained 16lbs already and my doc has not said a word. I wouldn't worry hunny. The main concern about too much weight gain is the baby being big. But I gained 55 with my first and she was 7lbs and gained 40 with my second and she weighed 8lbs so weight didn't even play into that. I on the track to gain about 40 with this pregnancy too.
  • @mamat, doc ask me to slow down on meat & sweets more on veg & tofu which is quite tough though... :(
  • @armywifey23: thanks! With my first 3 I gained about the same, 30lbs, and all were a little over 8lbs and I had no prob losing all the baby weight after...breastfeeding helped a lot! Hopefully, i'll have no prob losing weight with this one

    @sheron: yes, I bet thats hard. Born and raised in hawaii, meat and rice is a staple plus I love my sweets too!
  • @mamat.....yes 3 boys ages 10, 7, 3. Had a miscarriage in 07 at 5 wks and another miscarriage last year at 18 wks. Praying this one which I'm due Nov 10 will be healthy and go smoothly!!! This is your third?
  • @mamat imma try to turn vegan for another 19 weeks.... lol!
  • @3boysandcounting: this will be my fourth boy! My 3 boys are 8, 4 and 3 and I'm die with the 4th in july....your having another boy too?

    @sheron: lol good luck with that!
  • I'm only 5 wks now. I really don't care about the sex as long as its healthy! We won't find out the sex tho. I haven't found out with any of mine. Good luck!
  • @3boysandcounting: yes that's the main thing! Well best wishes to you and your family
  • I gained 60 lbs with my first and the dr never said anything. She just turned 1 and I am 28 wks with #2 and have only gained 10...but I only lost 30 of the 60 from #1. I have a different dr bc I moved and they haven't said anything either. Both pregnancies have been perfectly fine
  • @lilliebug: isn't it weird how each one is different?! Lol
  • Lol I told my husband that #3 will not be on the way until I lose the weight from our daughters. Not gonna just add baby weight to baby weight. I gain it in the worst places too. I currently have old lady" bingo" fat arms. I have always had a hard time keeping my arms toned. The only thing that works is running with weights and that is not on the agenda for a few more months.
  • @ lilliebug: lol for me as soon as I get to the weight I wanna be at...i get preggers again! Usually it works out tho bcz after breastfeeding, im able to lose the most weight....hopefully this one will be that way since im already gaining soooo much
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