I was so excited to go hear my baby's heart beat for the first time at 9 weeks and ended just heart broken.... Now I feel to scared and sad to ever try again with my husband...
Thank you for your support it means a lot it hurts a lot what I hate most is my hole family but my mom doesn't know the baby's heart stopped beating...
I had three ultrasounds a vaginal and the one that goes on your stomach they told me that my banys heart beat is not there and on friday I have to go takey baby out :,( I don't want to tho because I do feel my baby is still here with me!! I had no. Bleeding and no cramping!! I don't understand but thank you everyone your giving me so much hope
Thats what they said... A heart beat should be seen strong at 6weeks.... And well today I would have been 10weeks and I still feel no miscarriage symptoms
I think that's what I'm going to do yesterday I saw my Dr and I asked him if he's going to do another one and he said there was no point his exact words but I will get another ultrasound on friday ill ask for it
when i was pregnant my ob saw me once to confirm pregnancy and wouldn't see me till 12 weeks cuz she said thats when hb was easier to detect.keep faith,were all prayin for ya!