Infected ingrown toenail?
My lo is almost 2 weeks old, and I noticed the other day that her big toe was a little swollen and red. After reading several things online, and calling her pediatrician and asking about it, they summed it up to being an ingrown toenail. I was told to soak it in warm, soapy water and then put neosporin on it afterwards. I noticed that under the toenail towards the end of it, there's a yellow/green blemish. I'm assuming it's infected? There's nothing I can really do for her other than soak it , and apply the neosporin. Has anyone ever had a baby that had an ingrown toenail? What did they do to resolve the issue? She has a drs apt on Thursday, and I can't take her in today or I works until 8:30pm and my phone took a crap on me this I have no way of calling anyone to come pick us up.