Can the heart rate tell sex of the baby?

I saw a post a while back where women posted their heart rates and there week they were in to determine sex. Does anyone know if heart rate really has something to do with gender? Or is this a myth. My babies was 160 at 11 weeks 2 days.


  • I wanna know too my mom said low was a boy and high was a girl Then someone told me it was the opposite mines was 133 at 6 weeks by ultrasound I went in at 12 weeks he said around 140 but hus Doppler don't say for sure I want a boy
  • The heartbeat thing and the way you carry don't actually tell gender. But you have a 50% chance of getting it right with one of those guesses! I'm waiting to find out too; it feels, like an eternity!
  • It was correct for mine. My babys heart rate was 150 and is a boy, there is a gender determiner thing online that was right as well.
  • Where's at online?
  • Just google gender determination quiz. :)
  • My baby is always around 170 which would assume a girl but actually its a boy. It's just a myth ladies plus it drops the further u get in pregnancy. Don't go buying those pink or blue clothes just yet lol.
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