5 weeks to go wish it was now

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
I am 35 weeks and I'm so tired of being pregnant. I have been pregnant for 2 years straight now. Is there any natural way to cause labor tht won't hurt my baby?


  • Not yet :( you are almost done!!! At least 3 more weeks would be good! How close will your babies be?
  • i know exactly how u feel but i have 9 weeks left! im so done with being pregnant! waking up in the night for the toilet, feeling sick all the time, not being able to roll over in bed or sleep on my tummy, not being able to walk far without my back and legs hurting! roll on november!!
  • I too have been pregnant for 2 years! Going on 38 weeks hoping she comes NOW. Sorry though I don't know anything to make it happen faster just waiting
  • @Graysonsmommy they will be 15 months apart, and @denois exactly how I feel! Glad I'm not alone all the hip pain, and back pain stinks, just wish I would hurry up and meet the little trouble maker!
  • yep i feel your pain!! mine is defo a little trouble maker as i havent even been able to find out the gender! whenever i have been for an ultrasound its hidden its bits and crossed its legs tight shut! i have now had 4 ultrasounds and still nothing!! my two will be 17months apart :-)
  • @denois wow I can't believe tht it won't show its self both my boys were wide open, and I am glad tht I'm not the only one with them so close in age
  • @2600wifey congrats and good luck, wishing u the best
  • Aw yea mine will be 12 months exactly...unless I go early but I do know what you mean this pregnancy is way harder on my body than the first and im only 25 weeks!
  • @Graysonsmommy you are having urs 12 months apart? I give you props for tht, take it easy I hate it when ppl tell me tht but I don't want u to overdue yourself
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